The thing is, I disagree. I'm still fairly new to the game, but alot of my builds have been mystic adepts--mainly because it's one of the cheapest ways for an awakened character to get extra IP's.
Drugs technically are the cheapest, but there's limitations, side effects, and relatively short durations on anything that gives you more than 1 extra pass. Not the best option, IMO.
Then there's spells. Unlike every other IP booster in the game, the Increase Reflexes spell doesn't increase Reaction--just initiative and initiative passes. So although you get more actions, you don't get any better at avoiding attacks. You'd need two spells, (requiring two complex actions) to get the same effect, and sustaining them puts you at -4 to everything you do. Sustaining foci can take care of this but they light up the astral, can be taken away from you, still don't solve the problem of requiring two complex actions to cast the spells, ect.
That leaves 'ware and adept powers. Cyber- and Bioware cut into your magic due to essence loss, and also cut into your funds. By comparison, going mystic adept and picking up Improved Reflexes takes the same sized chunk out of your magic as standard-grade Cyberware, costs nothing, and gives you 5 extra BP in exchange for the astral perception and projection abilities a full magician has.
Here's a comparison of all three types of permanent IP augmentations:
Improved Reflexes 1 [Adept Power]
Magic cost: 2
Nuyen cost: 0Â¥
Total cost: 20 BP at chargen
Improved Reflexes 2 [Adept Power]
Magic cost: 3
Nuyen cost: 0Â¥
Total cost: 30 BP at chargen
Improved Reflexes 3 [Adept Power]
Magic cost: 5
Nuyen cost: 0Â¥
Total cost: 50 BP at chargen
Wired Reflexes 1 [Cyberware]
Magic cost: 2 (2 Essence)
Nuyen cost: 11,000Â¥
Total cost: 22.2 BP at chargen
Wired Reflexes 2 [Cyberware]
Magic cost: 3 (3 Essence)
Nuyen cost: 32,000Â¥
Total cost: 36.4 BP at chargen
Wired Reflexes 3 [Cyberware]
Magic cost: 5 (5 Essence)
Nuyen cost: 100,000Â¥
Total cost: 70 BP at chargen (Requires the 5BP Restricted Gear Quality)
Synaptic Booster 1 [Bioware]
Magic cost: 1 (0.5 Essence)
Nuyen cost: 80,000Â¥
Total cost: 26 BP at chargen
Synaptic Booster 2 [Bioware]
Magic cost: 1 (1 Essence)
Nuyen cost: 160,000Â¥
Total cost: 42 BP at chargen
Synaptic Booster 3 [Bioware]
Magic cost: 2 (1.5 Essence)
Nuyen cost: 240,000Â¥
Total cost: 68 BP at chargen (Requires the 5BP Restricted Gear Quality)
Getting better grade ware can shift some of the Essence/Magic cost to nuyen, but only Deltaware can make a big enough difference to actually change how many magic points you lose, and it's not available at chargen. Even going full magician and using spells and sustaining foci is going to cost you more than the Adept Power route, unless you have a really low Reaction stat--and that's not counting the 5 BP mark-up for taking Magician instead of Mystic Adept.
I'm not saying it's for everybody, but a Mystic Adept with Improved Reflexes and a few choice combat spells can outperform a cyber or bio-enhanced street sam for less BP--and with initiation, has the potential to become an excellent caster as well. Long term, you're looking at a fragging monster.
Sure, only having 2-3 points of magic to throw into spells isn't much, but with the right combination of spells and skillpoints (and maybe a foci or mentor spirit if you really wanna' get twinky) you've got a magic pistol that never runs out of ammo and ignores armor and full defense.
In summation, when done right, mystic adepts kick ass.

[edit] Fixed Synaptic Booster 3 essence cost [/edit]