I'm beginning to get an handle on the race thing for my game. I'll post it below for critique.
The “Races�: We aren’t having other true races, but there are four distinctive racial variations that have come about, starting in mid July of 2013, with the birth of Tang Wan Lu, who weighed 12.7 kilos at birth and by the time he was four years old was 2.01 meters tall and weighed just over 150 kilos. The “strange births became epidemic by early 2014, with as many as one in four hundred live births being affected in the then Central African Republic. In most of the rest of the world, at its height, the “strange births phenomenon� accounted for one in seven hundred and thirty on average, with the absolute height of strange births occurring in February of 2015 and tailing off slowly since then in the “standard population�. By 2048 it is only occurring world wide at the rate of one per thousand or so.
“Trolls�(or Ogres) Homo Sapiens Ingentis: These are not Shadowrun trolls by appearance. They look human, but big, really big. A human male with gigantism today averages just under 7’ tall and usually weighs about 150kgs. The Homo Sapiens Ingentis of “Cold Day in Hell� males average about 240cm in height with around 210kgs in weight being average. Females tend to 90% of the listed height and 85% of the listed weight for males, and both are usually overly endowed with both primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Stats are as per SR*3 except instead of thermographic vision they have a +4 dice advantage when using Intimidation in person and a +2 to Willpower to resist Intimidation of a physical nature. They also have +2 dice for visual perception checks.
As a societal factor there are not allot of these folks around, and because they do tend to be brutish (average IQ for one of these people is about 82) they tend to be treated with fear even when they are extremely personally peaceful. But with an average strength that would make a human heavy weight class weight lifter shudder and their thick skin and massive size, these folks can be great physical assets to add to any team. Their biggest drawback in “Cold Day in Hell� is their rarity. In a city of 300,000 there might be as few as 150 of them totaled.
“Dwarves� (or “the little people�) Homo Sapiens Pumillonis: Again, unlike Shadowrun, these folks do not tend towards excessive hairiness, but from there onward they conform to the Shadowrun ideal for dwarves, but again, minus the thermographic vision and with a compensating advantage. In the case of these folks it’s an odd factor, an aptitude, of the Players choice, for any non combat skill. “Like the little people of legend, they are clever with their hands.� As one famous Trideo pundit put it, but more than that, they can show this aptitude in any one non combat skill.
As a societal factor, these guys are a real oddity. They’re tiny, but tend, unlike people with true dwarfism, towards extremely great physical strength. Before the “mutants� World records were set aside, the old Olympic Records in Weight Lifting, Womens 58kg class, the standing world records were SHATTERED by Emiline Andrews of Wales, with a combined 297 kilos, breaking the existing record by over 50kgs. At the opposite end of the spectrum though is the detestable practice of “stunting�, where young Pumillonis women (and sometimes men) will all but starve themselves, depilate and use other measures to stay as “perpetual children� for the jaded tastes of those who would otherwise be pedophiles.
Albert Trask, the infamous cat burglar who plagued Seattle for three years in the early 2040s is a small, stringy muscled Pumillonis male who is extremely flexible and athletic. Standing a spare 103 cm tall and weighing 35.6kgs he was able to slink in and out of areas where a normally sized person could have never fit and used this, as well as an aptitude for Electronics, especially Security Systems, and his grace and athletic ability to pull a series of supposedly impossible heists.
So, our dwarves aren’t the typical Shadowrun model there either. Still, between the obvious and their inherent talents they are a useful addition to any Shadowrun team, with rarity still being the key factor to their detriment.
“Angels� (or sometimes “the Ishatri�) Homo Sapiens Modificus: No Elves for us. We’ve replaced the term with those noted above. No weird ears, no ethereal whatever. These are genetically enhanced human beings, enhanced before birth, most following a specific enhancement profile, a standardized “upgrade� if you will. It aimed at making a child who was lithe, agile, and greatly self confident, beautiful, slim and graceful and usually extremely willful, with inherent talents for the performing arts and social skills and all around forceful personalities. Although other genetic “upgrades� tend to be hit and miss, with the “Ishtar upgrade� they perhaps succeeded too well. These children simply stand out in any crowd. The least appealing of them are still strikingly above average in appearance and the most striking are heart wrenchingly gorgeous. As they are genetic “upgrades� though they come, almost universally, from families of wealth and position and so draw even a greater degree of envy and jealousy than the non-upgraded children of influence.
Use the stat changes for Elves from Shadowrun, but delete the Low Light Vision and add the Exceptional Attribute (Quickness) advantage. This means that our “Angels� can have a natural eight in Quickness and this can be modified as high as 12, before Cyberware or Bioware, just like their Charismas, but they start no higher than 6 in Quickness (one shy of racial maximums just like everyone else, but the exceptional attribute advantage only applies to maximums set after the game begins). Obviously, very few Angels would ever have the impetus to become Shadowrunners. But adding one to the team could have as many advantages as disadvantages.
“Berserkers� (or Orcs) Homo Sapiens Robustus: Once again, the are not standard Shadowrun Orcs in appearance. They look MUCH more human, although they do tend towards a slightly smaller skull for their size than is standard for a human being, and their musculature is less compact, meaning it looks even more overblown than their strength would indicate. They DO possess the Low Light Vision of their Shadowrun counterparts and there is no such thing as a really small framed Orc. All of them are large framed and sturdily built. In fact the only sure way to tell you are dealing with a Robustus instead of a standard Homo Sapiens Sapiens is by taking a genetic assay. So, many human beings with big frames, heavily muscled and with smaller than average skulls are confused with “Berserkers� and are treated to the same stigmatic view as the true Berserkers are.
These guys are standard as per the Shadowrun game except in gross physical appearance. Nothing else changes except their role in history. It was almost entirely they, not the trolls, not the dwarves and certainly not the Angels, who are the targets of the worst prejudices. Everyone else has their chance at being discriminated against at 50% of what is was. And on any roll that shows another race as the target of discrimination where the 50% roll to avoid the prejudice was made, add prejudice to the Berserkers to the person as well… and yes, this can mean MULTIPLE prejudicial outcomes when dealing with them. Each multiple adds a +1 to the racism number in addition to whatever else was generated. Say the roll had been an 11 and the d6 roll came up 3 (Elves), but the 50% roll said that they weren’t the target. Automatically then it is the Berserkers (Orcs) who get the prejudice, normally a +5 with a roll of 11, but they actually get it at +6.
Other racial prejudices still exist in my SR*3 like game as well though. There are plenty of people willing to do it, and this can stack. So, if you are an African American Robustus in the deep South… Oyy, vay!