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Full Version: What kind of characters do you play?
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I am curious what kind of characters are generally played, at the table and online.
Mundane human mostly.
Sometimes mundane metahuman too.

I've played a few awakened humans, but magic has never been their strong point.
Human mages mostly and human mundanes sometimes. My elf mage is kind of a slip, but he had surgery to look human. smile.gif

Even though SR is one of the few games in which the other races are not mere stereotypes I almost always play humans in any game.
Mundane Human/MetaHuman/MetaRace/Changeling
i like cyber/biotech and i can handle those, so i stick with what i know.
and what i know goes bang boom bang and hurts people mostly ^^
I really play whatever is needed for the group I'm running with. I like magic a great deal though, and generally my Humans will be adepts or magicians (no mystic adepts...yet). I tend to shy away from human mundanes (though I have played them). I generally do not go full magician on a metahuman due to the bp sink that ensues, but adepts are as likely to be metahuman as human and mundanes are nearly exclusively meta. All the expanded things from runner's companion I have avoided, though I am greatly intrigued by the possibilities in the options.
Mostly mundane metahumans, with metahuman adepts or spellslingers thrown into the mix.
Human Adept (SURGE)
Human Mystic Adept (Infected)
Human Mystic Adept (Infected, SURGE)
Human Magician (SURGE)

Those would be my current characters. Although possible with being normal, SURGE simply lets me do what I want easier - they all still look like normal humans.
I tend to stuck with mundanes, though they're far more likely to be human than metahuman, and none of the exotics or changeling traits hold any interest to me.
I'm mostly the GM and never the player, but I'm a big fan of changelings, ghouls, technomancers, orks, trolls...I play a lot of Awakened (or at least that's what I always seem to imagine) but I like the occassional professional Sam too.
Little Johnson
what book are gouls from?

i dont see them in the books i have. I have runners companion waiting on me to pick it up and im unable to order street magic at this time.

been toying with the idea of a body chop shop operator thats a goul
Ghouls, along with Changelings and the rest of the Infected, are in RC.
with more than 25 Characters I do play nearly everything (Including an Elfen Changeling Nartaki and a Troll-Drake) I'm even playing Hobbits in SR
What i don't Play are infected,Shapeshifters or the Ultra rare sentient Critters

Hough !
No Technomancer Option. Interesting.
QUOTE (Malicant @ Oct 24 2008, 01:30 PM) *
No Technomancer Option. Interesting.

Think that falls under awakened.

That aside I generally play human mundanes, though I'll do the occasional elf. I love the tech and had trouble with the magic when I first started and took me a long time to get it.
munchkins. that is all


Daddy's Little Ninja
That is a very magic heavy poll. I usually play heavily cybered humans.
Always with the street sam. Usually a human, but sometimes a troll or ork too. I've just never had the desire to play a magic user, either spellslinger or adept.
I should have put in that one of my ideas for my (sadly) aborted Hawaii one shot was going to be a sea drake.

*sigh* I would have called him Sharkboy too.
I play all kinds of characters. Mostly mundane or mage/adept humans, or mundane/adept/sometimes mage metahumans. My most recent creation, however, is an elf/changeling/cybered/adept/combat machine, but he was more made to be a prime-runner so he's a bit of a twink. wink.gif

It just depends on my mood, really. I am, however, more likely to play less combatant ork/trolls and more combat-oriented humans and elves, with dwarves usually filling in as mages oftentime for me, too. Not sure why.
I like magicians a lot, but I don't like groups with a lot of magic in them, that is, unless the group is entirely made up of magical characters, so I play a lot of mundanes. Not that I don't like mundanes, though, too.
QUOTE (ElFenrir @ Oct 24 2008, 07:03 PM) *
I play all kinds of characters. Mostly mundane or mage/adept humans, or mundane/adept/sometimes mage metahumans. My most recent creation, however, is an elf/changeling/cybered/adept/combat machine, but he was more made to be a prime-runner so he's a bit of a twink. wink.gif

It just depends on my mood, really. I am, however, more likely to play less combatant ork/trolls and more combat-oriented humans and elves, with dwarves usually filling in as mages oftentime for me, too. Not sure why.

How do you get around the cybered part with the changeling? I might be showing my ignorance here, but at least as far as SR3 (which is what I know), 'ware in a changeling was a no-go because of the regeneration power.
QUOTE (the_real_elwood @ Oct 24 2008, 09:54 PM) *
How do you get around the cybered part with the changeling? I might be showing my ignorance here, but at least as far as SR3 (which is what I know), 'ware in a changeling was a no-go because of the regeneration power.

I have never played it, so I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain changelings did not exist in SR3. There is also no way to obtain Regeneration simply from being a changeling.
QUOTE (Muspellsheimr @ Oct 24 2008, 09:02 PM) *
I have never played it, so I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain changelings did not exist in SR3. There is also no way to obtain Regeneration simply from being a changeling.

SURGE and changelings most definitely existed in SR3. They first appeared in Year of the Comet, about the return of Halley's Comet.
QUOTE (Cain @ Oct 24 2008, 10:09 PM) *
SURGE and changelings most definitely existed in SR3. They first appeared in Year of the Comet, about the return of Halley's Comet.

Regardless, I believe I am showing my ignorance once again. I was thinking of shapeshifters, not changelings.
Shapeshifters existed also in SR3 (Stripe Anyone ?)
and because of their Regeneration they were often played by Powergamer.
I never tTried to Play one ,bcause its difficult for me to think like an Animal

with an animalistic dance
Heath Robinson
No Awakened,
No Emerged,
Human only.
I don't play SR*4 (well, one character for several sessions) but when I've played earlier editions, instead of being GM (which is where they usually stick me whether I want to Play or not) I seem to almost always play variations of the same character: a troll mundane who is surprisingly educated and intelligent, who has been a soldier or worked as a mercenary and who Runs mainly because he is an adrenaline junkie, but who is never the less DRASTICALLY careful to not endanger his team mates thereby and is more than something of a pedagogue.

Hmmm, I wonder why a guy who is big, overly muscled and a martial arts fanatic who is also a former US Marine and who used to do volunteer work in ghettos where he stuck out like a sore thumb and who loves to hear the sound of his own voice declaiming might want to play that type of character? nyahnyah.gif

QUOTE (Heath Robinson @ Oct 25 2008, 03:31 AM) *
No Awakened,
No Emerged,
Human only.

Oh, so you're one of those players, huh?

People like you ruin good games nyahnyah.gif
Elf, elf baby!

I typically play awakened characters, but not exclusively. Invariably though, the large majority of my characters are elven.
usually human shaman
I've only played a few sessions, but my character is a troll full mage. Also built a mundane human rigger who has transitioned to NPC status.
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