Okay, so here goes. OOC Thread for EONA. (I'm throwing out random acronyms just for Ben. Gotta love military-speak.)
Game Information: Game is taking place in Seattle. Spring of 2071. Already in play are an Awakened Chaos Mage, and a Street Sam type.
Cast of Players: Fist o' Doom
**Game effectively closed... unless you have a character idea that is
so completely fantabulous that I must have it for my very own.**
Character Stuff: *500 BP using Frank Trollman's character creation rules
[ Spoiler ]
Attributes are 10 BP, Group Skills are 5 BP, Individual Skills are 2 BP, and Knowledge Skills are 1 BP
or I'm open to the karma creation system from the new Runner's Companion.
*No cap on negative/positive qualities
*Create your own contacts so I don't have too and I'll gift free knowledge skill BP
House Rules: [ Spoiler ]
Smartgun link applies to two weapon firing - It makes no sense that the targeting sights that appear in your line of sight suddenly have no effect what so ever because you are using two guns. That rule is gone.
Common Sense Points - A lot of times, people come up with great ideas of hilarious comments in games. Those deserve reqrds, but karma is a bit much. So I reward Common Sense Points (CSP). Essentially, they work the same as karma, but can only be applied to knowledge skills. Knowledge skills are great, but rarely raised, because everyone puts their karma on active skills. This fixes that.
Bad Karma - Doing something very screwed up, like being an major ass, or doing something just plain evil in game, such as raping a goat or stealing candy from babies. That can get you bad karma, which is essentially edge for the opposition.
Edge for NPCs - Everyone has edge. Keep this in mind. It may not be a lot, but it's there.
Soft caps on skills and attributes, no modified max from cyber or magic
Cyber is built in, so it makes no sense that it should stop at 9 for attributes. Same goes for magic. Skills and attributes can go over 7 (after buying Exceptional Attribute or Apptitude), but increase the multiplier by 1 (skills x2 becomes x3 ,etc).
Improved Physical Attribute Adept Power changed
It makes no sense that you can buy cyber and raise atttributes normally, but when you use magic, it costs more to raise the attribute. So it doesn't. It also makes no sense to make it cost 2 magic points once it goes over the normal attribute. So it doesn't. This all seems to be an attempt to nerf physads attributes, when they were already expensive enough to begin with. With powers like Critical Strike, it makes no sense to make normal attributes so much more expensive.
The "Oh Shit!" Card Occassionally you'll have a character that has been around for a long long time , and has used up his/her Hand Of God. I also ignore the rule about being able to use HoG once by brning off a point of Edge. Having 8 HoG's is just ridiculous. But as a happy medium, I use the "Oh Shit!" card.
You can buy one for 50 karma. I also sometimes give one out for birthdays. You can basically save your self from one "Oh Shit!" moment by burning the card, such as , say dying. Doesn't come up a lot, but it just might save your llife.
Qualities---+2 qualities The BBB has qualities that apply a +2 to a number of specializations, such as hacking/exploit. Specilization qualities as we'll call them are available for any non-combat skill, including spellcasting/counterspelling for the same BP/Karma cost.
---Neg Qualities There is not a limit to the Negatvie qualities you can take ,as long as the ones you use aren't ridiculous such as Incompetent:Archery. If you want your character to have a number of crutches, that's just fine. Neg qualities also do not count towards notoriety. The fact that you suck with computers, or are addicted to cigarettes, are not going to make a bit of difference in most social situations.
For anything else, see me.
Posting Whatnot: Colors:
Salmon is for Speaking Aquamarine is for Thinking Red is for AR/Text Messages Purple is for Handwritten MessagesGold is for Rolls, Spells, all action-y type thingsand just for the sake of completeness:
Aqua is for telepathy