Firstly- hi all! I'm new. I've known about these boards for a while, but only now venture on to them. Mostly because I'm finding 4th ed difficult to wrestle with.
In this case, I'm having trouble with cyberlimbs for melee characters. Has anyone else noticed how incompatible they are or have any suggestions as to how to successfully meld the two?
See, I noticed that it is impossible to have an ork/troll/dwarf character with a natural max in strength and have a cyberlimb with an equal strength. Since all cyberlimbs start with a strength 3, you really have to buy it up a lot...not only does this take a lot of capacity which cuts down on other fun things you can put in, especially if you want a supporting Agility score, but the availability just goes through the roof. Suddenly, it's not even really possible.
I suppose one could just take a shocking hand and rely on the flat stun damage...but man, I wanted my giant clamp hand of bludgeoning goodness. :{