I have two questions that the book doesn't really answer very well or straightforeward
One, what exactly does the grade mean when talking about cyberware and bioware?
Two, whats the rundown on Bound Spirits? What do they do, how are they used etc etc
Thank you
Nov 23 2008, 06:07 PM
Cyber-bioware grades are on page 303. They are: Alpha, Beta, and Delta
You get a Essence break depending on the grade level, but it will cost you more.
Alpha is the only one you can start with at Chargen, which gives you a .8 essence break at a x2 cost (For example, Alpha ware Aluminum bone lacing would cost .8 essence and cost 30K; Alpha ware Wired Reflexes would cost 2.4 Essence and cost 64K)
Spirit Services are to numerous to really list, but they start on page 177. And there is a quick chart that sums it up in page 179. Hope that helps.
Nov 23 2008, 06:19 PM
Also, you can only have a number of bound spirits equal to your Charisma score, and only one unbound spirit (which only lasts until the next sunrise/sunset).
Nov 23 2008, 07:48 PM
QUOTE (Kurious @ Nov 24 2008, 05:07 AM)
Cyber-bioware grades are on page 303. They are: Alpha, Beta, and Delta
These, of course, are on top of the normal Basic Grade cyberware.
You can also get used Basic and Alpha Grade Cyberware.
Dr Funfrock
Nov 28 2008, 09:24 PM
I believe used Alpha grade is somewhat problematic though... it works out as basic cost, and slightly less essence. Theoretically nobody would ever take Basic Grade since Used Alpha is that teensy bit better, with no downsides according to RAW. It's just something that a GM needs to keep an eye out for.
Nov 28 2008, 09:35 PM
QUOTE (Dr Funfrock @ Nov 28 2008, 11:24 PM)
I believe used Alpha grade is somewhat problematic though... it works out as basic cost, and slightly less essence. Theoretically nobody would ever take Basic Grade since Used Alpha is that teensy bit better, with no downsides according to RAW. It's just something that a GM needs to keep an eye out for.
That should be fixed in the errata for AUG. Used alpha will be exactly the same as basic except for -1 availebility.
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