Aug 20 2003, 03:00 PM
I know that alot of people end up House Ruling the rather bizarre workings of Increased Reflexes, but want to hear how they do so. I wish you could do like multiple polls in one as I'd like to see how many require a Certain Force, how many require a certain number of Successes, and what Drain method they use, unfortunately, you'll have to post the drain you House it at.

Personally, we use a drain of +3(D) and allow this spell to be taken at CharGen as Caster Only for a possible +1(D).
Aug 20 2003, 03:56 PM
I voted for '1 Spell, at least 6(S/2) successes and Force 6(F/2) to get +3D6'. The Drain Code is the same as Sphynx's, with the same 'Caster Only' modification, if applicable.
I have also used an advanced version that exactly mimics the Adept Power (adding to Reaction as well as Initiative) with the same restrictions and a Drain Code of +5(D), or +3(D) if Caster Only.
The White Dwarf
Aug 21 2003, 01:53 AM
And the Poll results tell all ... what house rule =)
Even at level 3 its only adding 1 action to the mages total on average (reaction 6, normally 9.5 average, with +3 dice goes to 20 average, one to two actions). Thats not unbalancing, especially with the way sorcery and spell pool dice are used over a turn rather than phase. Similar results can easily be achieved simply be taking boosted reflexes level 1, unless you want the chance to have 3 actions on a good roll. I dont see spending some cash and spell points on this to be anything but ok.
Aug 21 2003, 02:15 AM
That's strange, as all kinds of people admitted to 'house-ruling' it on the old Forums last time this was discussed.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 21 2003, 02:38 AM
What most people believe is not neccessarily what is said most.
Aug 21 2003, 06:48 AM
I would prefer to use the spell "as is". Also, while I don't like "new" spells at char-gen, I would allow changes to some spells such as touch range or caster only.
Aug 21 2003, 12:49 PM
I haven't house ruled the Increase Reflexes spell yet. But I've considered it. ( I currently don't have a player trying to abuse it )
This version of the spell puts it more in line with other attribute raising health spells. It also has a cybered reflexes version, but the target number gets so oppressively high it really isn't worth it. In theory using this spell a character could get a initiative dice bonus higher then 3. But the odds are against them.
Increase Reflexes
Drain : +1S
Target Number : 6 * number of current initiative dice
Increased Cybered Reflexes
Drain : +2S
Target Number : 6 * number of current initiative dice
For every two successes it gives the user 1 additional initiative die. Maximum number of additional initiative dice equal to Force.
Aug 21 2003, 02:10 PM
For the first one, you're just adding extra rules for no reason. Everyone starts with 1 die for initiative, and it stays that way, short of magic (adept), cyberware, or bioware (I intentionally left out drugs). Which aren't compatible with magic.
Second if you allow someone to increase their cybered reaction you're just asking people to munch out for free (or nearly free).
Aug 21 2003, 02:56 PM
I didn't house-rule it because of player abuse. I did it to bring the spell in line with most other spells that are in some way Force-dependant.
Aug 21 2003, 03:22 PM
Like I said I haven't done a house rule on it. That was merely my initial throughts on it. My idea was to make the increase reflexes spell much more like the increase attribute spells in function.
For the first one, you're just adding extra rules for no reason. Everyone starts with 1 die for initiative, and it stays that way, short of magic (adept), cyberware, or bioware (I intentionally left out drugs). Which aren't compatible with magic. |
Agreed. So the target number would be 6 for a character with no initiative dice enhancements. The reason is that reaction is not the best target number for this spell as a character could have a very high or very low initiative and only 1 initiative die. Is it really reasonable that a character with a reaction of 2 should have an easy time raising their initiative dice compared to a character with a reaction of 6?
Second if you allow someone to increase their cybered reaction you're just asking people to munch out for free (or nearly free). |
A character under that spell with 1 die of initiative enhancement would need to get 2 successes against a target number of !12! to increase their initiative by 1 more die. That's hardly unbalancing. Simply put the target numbers for the cybered version of the spell get so high that there is no reason for anyone to consider learning the spell. ( I merely supplied it so we could discuss what such a spell would look like )
Aug 21 2003, 03:58 PM
So the TN for the first spell would just be 6. There's no need to give it 6 x (number of initiative dice).
Is that what you meant for cyber initiative dice? That makes it harder to do, but with those TNs it make it sound like a Band-Aid fix for a broken arm. I'd just toss it out and let people know that it can't happen. If that's your intent. If your intent is to make it almost, but not quit impossible. Then leave it.
Aug 21 2003, 05:07 PM
So the TN for the first spell would just be 6. There's no need to give it 6 x (number of initiative dice). |
The question then becomes what do I do with characters who use bioware or drugs to achieve higher initiative dice. ( Or for that matter some shape-shifter characters )
Perhaps it would be best to say that the TN is 6, but it is not cumlative with other forms of "natural" reaction enhancement. Whichever provides the highest number of initiative dice is the one that's used. Think that would work?
Is that what you meant for cyber initiative dice? That makes it harder to do, but with those TNs it make it sound like a Band-Aid fix for a broken arm. I'd just toss it out and let people know that it can't happen. If that's your intent. If your intent is to make it almost, but not quit impossible. Then leave it. |
Better to design the spell yourself, then have the player design it. Just write in the description. "Because of the extremely high target numbers, most magicians consider this spell impossible to cast."
Aug 21 2003, 05:12 PM
That's how I've played it.
Aug 22 2003, 12:34 AM
First of all i don't find the spell broken at all if you actually use magic rules.
For one its a sustained spell meaning everything the mage does has a +2 mod on it.
Second at force 1 even the most inept opposing mage could easily dispell it even a low force ward would cancel it.
Third going first or many times is not always the best. LIke another person brought up your dice pool don't refresh as often as you think when you are stretching it acroos a bunch of actions in one pass.
These are just my observations and if the spell seems to be a problem in your game you need to play up the consequences of walking around with a mass of spells sustained on people.
Aug 22 2003, 05:28 PM
Booklord has a very good point. Drain should be +1S for the spell. I always made it +3D because that was the most draining of the 3, but if you were to make the spell by-the-book using MitS it'd have a drain of +1S, with the specifications of +1 Dice for every 2 successes up to the Force of the spell (though with a lower drain, I agree with Foreigner's suggestion of Force/2 as an additional limit). If the spell were learned at higher force, with more successes, I'd allow it to grant additional dice even such as +6D6 for a Force 12 spell (if you got 12 successes).
Aug 22 2003, 07:42 PM
Modified after thinking about comments by Laughlyn and others.
Increase Reflexes
Drain : +1S
Target Number : 6
For every two successes it gives the user 1 additional initiative die. Maximum number of additional initiative dice equal to Force. These dice are not cumualtive with other forms of initiative dice increases including bioware, drugs or shapeshifter stats.
A cybernetic version of this spell is possible to create but since it requires a target number of 6 x ( cybernetic initiative dice + 1) few magicians have ever been able to get it to work.
I agree there is no reason to limit players to 3 extra initiative dice. Let them try (and probably fail) for the really big numbers. However for playability it can't be cumualtive with other initiative dice increases.
The target number cannot be Reaction as that could result in some serious problems down the road as players with low reactions could garner very high Increased reaction dice. I chose 6 because that's the maximum value a player could get with 1 initiative die. It also makes the spell difficult to cast which should be the case given the potential power of it.
Maximum dice equal to (Force/2) is tempting, but I think I've increased it enough by making the maximum dice equal to Force and setting the target number to 6.
Aug 22 2003, 07:59 PM
QUOTE (booklord) |
Maximum dice equal to (Force/2) is tempting, but I think I've increased it enough by making the maximum dice equal to Force and setting the target number to 6. |
I've always ruled it as maximum dice equals Force/2.
Aug 22 2003, 09:17 PM
I agree with you Booklord, only problem is that it's not so hard to get the 12 successes to attain +6D6 at Force 6. 3 Karma pool (for 2 rerolls) and 24+ dice (6 skill, 6 spell pool, 2 force-6 expendable foci, and add an elemental or 3 to help you out) can have you rolling enough dice to easily get the 12 successes with a TN of 6 (average of 10 successes with 24 dice and 3 karma pool). Ant trust me, if I decide to Quicken this bad boy, it's going to have all 12 successes plus a couple more, just in case someone's dumb enough to try to dispel it.
In a low-powered game, that's alot of bonus. Force/2 is an acceptable OptionalRule to keep things in check since most people won't try learning a spell ike this over Force 6.
Aug 22 2003, 10:05 PM
Mmm, I should feel lucky none of my players has wanted that skill yet, I guess. I'll deal with it when somebody finally decides they want it, but for now it's just gonna sit in a dark corner and look unwanted
Aug 26 2003, 07:08 PM
QUOTE (Glyph) |
I would prefer to use the spell "as is". Also, while I don't like "new" spells at char-gen, I would allow changes to some spells such as touch range or caster only. |
Don't all health spells have to be touch only anyway?
Aug 26 2003, 07:14 PM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
add an elemental or 3 to help you out |
I was under the impression that no elemental can help with Health spells, correct?
Aug 26 2003, 07:19 PM
Only Spirits of the Elements can help with health spells. So you're right, no elementals can help you there.
Aug 26 2003, 07:35 PM
I don't think spirits of the elements can help you with any spells. Don't they operate more or less like nature spirits?
Aug 26 2003, 08:00 PM
QUOTE (booklord) |
I don't think spirits of the elements can help you with any spells. Don't they operate more or less like nature spirits? |
Yeah, my bad. When I say something stupid, it's just the cold talking

Of course, I guess that means the cold is always talking.
What I was thinking about is that Wujen can (by the FAQ, which is odd considering it explicitly forbids it in MitS, I think) be elementalists who gain a bonus to health spells whereas regular hermetics cannot.
Aug 26 2003, 08:52 PM
Oops, sorry. We House Ruled it so Earth aids with Health instead of Manip, and you gain your bonus to Elemental Manip spells that fall under your element. So ignore that statement.

Aug 30 2003, 04:21 AM
I voted to let it be. Actually, it is quite well balanced as it is right now.
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