Nov 27 2008, 01:55 PM
New Campaign starting and I cannot come with character build I like!! So fellow dump shockers your input would be much welcomed. GM is cool, it more about the back story but does not get to upset about min/max’ing
Just chuck out the ideas and will post my final version and might even update as the campaign goes on.
PS often like to use char actors from literature or films as a base ï?Š
Nov 27 2008, 02:02 PM
You could maybe start by thinking about which aspects of the game you're most interested in: magic, matrix, rigging, physical, facing, infiltration... ?
Nov 27 2008, 02:23 PM
If we take out hacking/decking because as a group we tend to skip most of that as it slows down the FUN
In my years playing SR I have played most types/builds from the burnt out mage in sr 2 to an elven cbt mage in our last sr 4 game. My last cyber chr died at the hands of baby dragon in a ball of fire! and cooking off ammo!!
Just looking for ideas that I can build on.
Had an Idea for a cyber/bio dorf PI But this will change based on what other people want to play. Thats why trying to get as many good ideas as I can:) Party full Cyber monsters might upset even our GM!!! or all mages LOL.
Nov 27 2008, 02:24 PM
2nd Step is to think about metavariant and gender.
Next Step is how to Combine those 2 Aspects
Char Ideas per Se are Futile (I Myself have dozens at Hand and I doubt the others have less)
If we take out hacking/decking because as a group we tend to skip most of that as it slows down the FUN
Ooops,we got us an old SR3 Prejudice
Hacking in SR4 is more streamlined and faster (AND more Important) than in older Editions :!:
Nov 27 2008, 02:29 PM
Well yes I will put my hand up to a slight Hacking prejudice
Guilty as charge my lord.
Wacky ideas all cool
Hippy dracoforms, vegaterian vampires, cyber wheel men, troll face. Don't mind what, as the build and the playing is the fun.
So what ideas have you been saving? and if makes your gm say "you want to play WHAT " even better
Nov 27 2008, 02:53 PM
sometimes I'm a whacky player myself ,when I explain my Chars some of the Players go
some go
(4armed Nartaki Elven Ki-Ads,Hobbit Hermetics,Troll Drakes "I'm no Troll,I'm a Dragon! I'm just born in the wrong Body ",Twin Ki-Ads named Mirror & Image whose real Names are Jim & Tim Possible,Hobbit Hackers with Face-Hugger Drones,Dallas the Texan a Troll Technomancerin and Sister of Dallas the Texan,a hardcore "Sam Spade eat your Heart out" Troll P.I. in Chicago)
I had 50+ SR3 Chars and played (in 8 Years) about 45 of them in Homeruns and in Conventions
I Converted 20 of them to SR4 and hav no about 25-30 that I play
Nov 27 2008, 02:58 PM
A Sorcerer Adept Gnome with the metagenic quality Metahuman Traits (Elf) named Keebler specializing in bizarre spells like Mass Animate and Trid Phantasm with 'Geas: Speaking trid commercial jingles and cartoon buzzphrases'.
"Peanut Butter and Jelllllyyyyy Sandwiccchhhes!!!" [casts Turn to Goo]
Nov 27 2008, 03:05 PM
Like it
My GM who reads Dumpshock is not going to be happy
Keep them coming. I know when we have reached breaking point when he posts here.
Nov 27 2008, 06:55 PM
I'll throw out my two potential character ideas if I do ever have an opportunity to take off my GM hat. Keep in my these are general ideas.
1. An elven noble from Tir Taingiere. Arrogant, smug, political, patriotic, and somewhat prejudice, I was thinking about creating either an elven mage or street samurai from a noble family in the Tir. The reasons why is Shadowrunning range from the fact that he is an action junkie or some major political conspiracy occured by a mega corp or rival family which disgraced his name and he was exiled from the nation. On any team he would cause great roleplaying tension as long as it's not taken to far. It's always fun to start off with character tensions in the beginning of the formation of a team and then eventually develop relationships as the characters become more fleshed out.
2. A Technomancer, young elven female inspired by Ed from Cowboy Bebop around 13-16 years old. A child prodigy and one of the first Otaku to emerge from the second matrix crash, she will face the trials and persecutions society is placing before the unknown entities called Technomancers. Because she is a technomancer she will probably be hunted by a specific mega corp that is looking to capture her in order to conduct research. Her father would be one of the deckers who were caught in the matrix during the crash and thus experienced lethal dumpshock. Her mother would be a current Shadowrunner who would serve as her main contact with a loyalty rating of 10.
Nov 27 2008, 09:00 PM
If you want a more serious character build, look
Here for a good list of complete sample character builds.
If you want something that'll make your GM reach for the Pepto, look up the
Pornomancer, a character with a disgusting amount of dice for Seduction tests. It doesn't matter if you were straight, you're not anymore when he gets done with you.
Nov 28 2008, 01:49 PM
Although I ended up going Troll Mage in our current campaign(he was brought up in the ruins of an old Redmond library so he learnt to read from the scrapes of books none had burnt yet).... I had another idea that's on stand-by incase.
Basically its a Human (though it could be any) with a shapeshifting fetish. He's grown up with stories of shapeshifters, seen them in the comics and on the Trid. He's obsessed with being able to change form. When he expresses as a Shaman one of the first things he begs the spirits for is the ability to change his form.
He's not against being Human, just he likes not being.
How he ends up being a runner is up to you but one of the things he contributes to the team is recon, face and infiltration skills. Perhaps he also specialises in shapeshifting/shrinking/growing the other party members.
I was planning on building some specialist spells involving changing metatype, age that sorta thing too.
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