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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Added a new seires of maps to my Photobucket page.

SK Industrial Complex with some key objectives. I may add more buildings in the future.

I designed these for my upcoming mercenary campaign. The team's objective is to stop a train on the bridge in the Northwest corner and blow it up from the water tower, then blow up the pump house as a diversion so they can escape. Add complications and bake for 30 minutes at 450˚ or until golden brown. Serve with a side of conspiracy. Enjoy! devil.gif
Very sexy, thanks smile.gif
Awsome, I was just about to post a thread for maps and such. Mind-Reader.
What's your source for the sat images?

But that's clever. It gives the runners the surrounding terrain easy and would work well with my usual powerpoint approach to maps.

I use Google Maps for the base image. This is an industrial complex outside of Mitrovica Kosovo. The resolution isn't as good as in the major cities where you can zoom in really close, but its one of the few places on the Google Earth that has snow cover, which just looks cool. After I find a decent image I use an app called Snap N Drag (Mac OSX) to take a screen shot and drop it into Photoshop to create the interiors.
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