Dec 6 2008, 06:00 AM
If an AI is inside a commlink, and the commlink is destroyed (we'll say via explosives), what happens to the AI that was residing in that node?
I'm sure there's a simple answer to this, probably in the BBB that I'm not seeing. I just bought Runner's Companion, Augmentation, Arsenal, Unwired, and Street Magic, and I'm having trouble sifting through all the books to find the answer for my next session.
Dec 6 2008, 06:07 AM
It's actually talked about in either Runner's Companion or Unwired. That is one of the 3 ways to kill an AI. You need to turn off their node while they are defragmenting (or whatever they call it), destroy their node, or one other thing.
However, you need to make sure that AI is paying for the lifestyle of that commlink, otherwise it's going to fry anyways, due to system overstress, as noted in Runner's Companion.
EDIT: It should be noted that an AI character caught in one of the 3 ways to kill an AI is still allowed to burn an edge to survive, just like a normal character. He somehow is able to transfer nodes just in time, or his codebase is saved on a fragment of harddisk space that's salvageable or something.
Dec 6 2008, 06:15 AM
I think it has to be their home node for a shutdown of their home node during "realignment" to kill them; but yeah, if they're present on a commlink and you destroy it, they're toast without burning edge. You can also beat them to death in the Matrix, but you have to do enough overflow to reduce one of their mental attributes to zero.
Dec 6 2008, 06:19 AM
Well if the AI is subscribed and active to the link without being present inside it and the link gets toasted, he just gets kicked out. I imagined the question was about the AI being actually inside the link, not just active inside it.
Dec 6 2008, 06:24 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Dec 5 2008, 10:19 PM)
Well if the AI is subscribed and active to the link without being present inside it and the link gets toasted, he just gets kicked out. I imagined the question was about the AI being actually inside the link, not just active inside it.
That only applies if we're talking about the AI's home node. I think you could be subscribed to a node, not be present, and if it gets toasted nothing happens, if it wasn't your home node.
Dec 6 2008, 06:27 AM
QUOTE (JonathanC @ Dec 6 2008, 12:24 AM)
That only applies if we're talking about the AI's home node. I think you could be subscribed to a node, not be present, and if it gets toasted nothing happens, if it wasn't your home node.
That's what I meant. I normally don't post near my bedtime (I'm 22 and have a self-appointed bedtime; deal with it), so it prolly came out funny.
Dec 6 2008, 06:28 AM
I was mostly curious as to him being physically present (which is an odd thing to think about when speaking of an AI) in the node.
Is there any benefit to being in a node, as opposed to being subscribed and active?
Dec 6 2008, 06:34 AM
You add 1/2 your mental stat (rounded up I believe) to specific stats of the 'link. BUT the upkeep for the extreme stress your AI puts on the system requires the same cost as a given lifestyle; if you want to get onto a r6 commlink (6 System, Signal, Response, Firewall), you'll be paying Luxury lifestyle per month otherwise it'll melt.
Dec 6 2008, 06:37 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Dec 6 2008, 02:34 AM)
You add 1/2 your mental stat (rounded up I believe) to specific stats of the 'link. BUT the upkeep for the extreme stress your AI puts on the system requires the same cost as a given lifestyle; if you want to get onto a r6 commlink (6 System, Signal, Response, Firewall), you'll be paying Luxury lifestyle per month otherwise it'll melt.
The AI can "Spoof" his lifestyle by making a test, thereby circumventing the requirement for money
Dec 6 2008, 06:41 AM
QUOTE (Neraph @ Dec 5 2008, 10:34 PM)
You add 1/2 your mental stat (rounded up I believe) to specific stats of the 'link. BUT the upkeep for the extreme stress your AI puts on the system requires the same cost as a given lifestyle; if you want to get onto a r6 commlink (6 System, Signal, Response, Firewall), you'll be paying Luxury lifestyle per month otherwise it'll melt.
I thought this was just the home node. If it is just the home node, what advantage is there to physically leaving my home node? Do I get a bonus on the non-home node I'm on?
I'm basically trying to figure out if I'll have to leave my lovely safe haven with my rating 9 Signal, and go into an inferior piece of equipment to do some business.
Dec 6 2008, 06:47 AM
QUOTE (Ragewind @ Dec 6 2008, 12:37 AM)
The AI can "Spoof" his lifestyle by making a test, thereby circumventing the requirement for money
Unless he can get 100 successes on a week long extended test, he'll be busy all month just surviving.
Dec 6 2008, 06:49 AM
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Dec 6 2008, 12:41 AM)
I thought this was just the home node. If it is just the home node, what advantage is there to physically leaving my home node? Do I get a bonus on the non-home node I'm on?
I'm basically trying to figure out if I'll have to leave my lovely safe haven with my rating 9 Signal, and go into an inferior piece of equipment to do some business.
don't leave you're home node unless you're about to DIE. Stay home, and hack around. Think of it this way: does your hacker drop his commlink for a disposable every time he needs to use the restroom? No. You're home node is your main place of life; you can access the ENTIRE world from it, no need to ever leave. Just make sure a party member has a tricked out 'link, and subscribe him so you can tag along.
Dec 6 2008, 06:55 AM
Is it just me, or do the rules for Magic in the BBB seem much more clear than the rules for the Matrix in the BBB?
I fear I have some reading to do on this subject.
Now, the real question: Do I study for finals next week, or read up on Matrix rules?
Dec 6 2008, 06:59 AM
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Dec 6 2008, 02:55 AM)
Is it just me, or do the rules for Magic in the BBB seem much more clear than the rules for the Matrix in the BBB?
I fear I have some reading to do on this subject.
Now, the real question: Do I study for finals next week, or read up on Matrix rules?
The real question if what is more painful
Finals or the Matrix rules (cough "Matrix" cough)
Dec 6 2008, 07:04 AM
QUOTE (Ragewind @ Dec 5 2008, 10:59 PM)
The real question if what is more painful
Finals or the Matrix rules (cough "Matrix" cough)
What if my finals were ON the Matrix rules?
Dec 6 2008, 11:15 AM
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Dec 6 2008, 02:04 AM)
What if my finals were ON the Matrix rules?
Then you're screwed!
Dec 6 2008, 01:13 PM
i had a dig thru both unwired and RC, and came up empty on a single important issue, can or cant the AI be present in multiple nodes at the same time, like a TM or hacker can, via their persona?
from what i can tell, the AI is limited similarly to a agent, but this is not spelled out, only hinted at by the damage and destruction rules for AI's.
the hint is that a AI thats inside a node thats shut down is saved. unless the AI can only present in one place, this would just lead to a bad case of multiple personality disorder.
still, as im writing this it comes to mind that a AI could keep open multiple subscriptions, but only be active in a single node (effectively being able to instantly travel between subscribed nodes, as a hacker do not need to even spend a free action to change the active node).
if so, the chance of catching a AI by shutting down the active node will be very difficult. unless the AI do not have any other subscriptions going at that moment (and i would suspect that a AI gets a "free" subscription to his home node).
Dec 6 2008, 05:25 PM
The way I run it, and the way I believe is the least painful, is to treat the AI like a brain sitting in his home node. He can do everything another hacker can do, including jumping into drones (he doesn't have to be present in the drone's node), having multiple active subscriptions (hacked into or through 4 or 5 nodes in order to confuse the datatrail), or whatever else you might want to do.
Dec 6 2008, 05:30 PM
the potential problem with that is the healing effect of the home node...
and with that in mind, it may well be that the intent from the dev side is that the AI can only be in one node at a time...
Dec 6 2008, 06:27 PM
Well, AIs are wierdly enough worse hackers than the meatbags already (especially under the common hacking DP = skill+attribute rule), so I'd rule in favor of the multiple connections or they fall even further behind.
Dr Funfrock
Dec 6 2008, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (KurenaiYami @ Dec 6 2008, 02:04 AM)
What if my finals were ON the Matrix rules?
The matrix rules actually exist in a state of quantum uncertainty. All your answers would be both true and false, simultaneously. Reality would collapse around the exam room.
Dec 6 2008, 09:15 PM
My understanding is that an AI operates out of their home node just like a hacker uses their commlink. They can access multiple nodes at once and all that jazz. Their programs, like an agent's, are limited by their own System rating -- except their inherent programs.
There are situations where you may want to leave your home node, however. For example, if your home node is a Citymaster's commlink and you want to get into a wifi-secure area, you'd want to transfer over to your fleshy buddy's Bust-A-Move and work from there. You don't add to that node's stats but you can get at the wifi signals...
Dec 6 2008, 09:27 PM
in others words, the current AI rules are full of holes...
Dec 7 2008, 12:19 AM
Welcome to the SR 4 matrix rules.
Sit back.
Enjoy your stay.
Rewrite heavily.
Dec 7 2008, 01:24 AM
or get the devs to share some of their assumptions...
Dec 7 2008, 09:47 AM
What about an AI which wants Program Options in their Inherited Programs?
Dec 7 2008, 11:35 AM
ugh, i really need to sit down and really read unwired. there are all kinds of puzzle pieces available.
for one thing, there is the autonomous programs bit on page 110, given that AI's are basically awakened agents, their limits of movement is probably very similar.
yep, that means a AI can only operate inside a single node at a time. ouch!
pg. 166 Unwired: "Unless otherwise noted, AI follow the rules given under Autonomous programs, pg.110".
There is a limit to one home node. They need to be on that node for at least one hour per day. Else they are like agents, loaded on one node at a time, subscribed (if need be) to several others.
Dec 7 2008, 12:14 PM
duh, like i said, i need to stop skimming the book and really read it.
where is that bit about agents and subscribing rather then moving? SR4? i dont think its covered in unwired anywhere...
Node Movement and Accounts, Unwired pg. 110.
Dec 7 2008, 12:42 PM
Dec 7 2008, 05:12 PM
It would be SOOOOO much easier to play a technomancer or, even better, a free sprite; but alas, no rules for player free sprites as of yet. Theorhetically, you could modify free spirit rules to work for free sprites as well, but meh.
AI's codebase are just Optomized, Ergonomic programs. That puts a hamper on what programs they can use, since they are already running Ergonomic programs. Technomancers and sprites use Complex Forms, which are not (IIRC) limited to the node's System or Response.
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