Idle thought here that any weapon foci that has a damage code of Light, should actualy function as a moderate damage code weapon on the astral.
Why this heresy?
Well a unarmed awakened individual or spirit can at base, inflict charisma moderate stun or physical at will. The entire point of taking a knife with you is to make you more, not less, dangerous.
The extra dice are nice and useful against barriers and foci but not much good if your punching under weight in the first place.
I believe here we enounter the rules simpification and the psychic vs dual natured mechanics of astral.
In the same manner than a mono filament whip wont work on the astral due to the physical nature of its advantage. A normal whip is not deficient on the astral due to the physical deficient nature of its attacks, as its the magic and force of being that forms it fuctions on the astral plane.
(And just once more for the terminally stupid, SR3 thread.)