QUOTE (GreyBrother @ Dec 7 2008, 04:44 AM)

Alternatively: Spoof the Node into believing that your account receives an upgrade to Admin and kill the original Admin account.
This wouldn't work in our game, the way we read the rules. Per Unwired pg 98:
Spoofed commands will seem to come from the authorized user you are spoofing (why you need their access ID), and so will be treated as having
the same access privileges (personal, security, or admin) as that impersonated user....To add, alter, or delete an account, you would almost certainly
need to spoof a command from someone with admin privileges. Many legitimate users have limits on what they can do with their accounts, and security-or safety-conscious spiders can and do program agents, drones, and nodes to ignore certain orders. After all, the last thing a security hacker wants is to be the target of their own IC.
(emphasis mine) Remember you're at a -6 to spoof a command from an admin level account, and that security concious folks will likely consider "delete Admin Accounts" as an order to be ignored. At the very least, I'd think you'd get the "Are you sure: Yes or No" prompt, which the hacker wouldn't see--it'd go directly to the real admin account... and that person would likely raise an alert. Heck, as a GM, I'd say that upgrading a User account to an Admin account would merit a verification prompt, which, again, would tip off the admin -- Remember, when spoofing, you just send the command, you can't actually do anything else:
Once a command is sent, she has no control over that agent, drone, or node until she spoofs the next command. If your hacker needs to give multiple commands—or tells the target to do something that a legitimate user can’t order it to do—you’re much better off hacking the node than spoofing commands one at a time.