Does anyone here play using house-rules that do away with the opposed tests in combat? It seems to me that there is going to be a lot of dice rolling in combat and that it would bog the game down just a bit. I haven't played a serious game of SR4 yet, just monkeyed with the rules so I don't know how combat really flows with all the opposed tests.
On a side note, any veterans of SR3 out there have an opinion on Attribute + Skill vs. the old only skill rolls? One of the things I loved about Shadowrun in previous editions is that it was a skill based system and not an Attribute + Skill system. I was monkeying around with having players roll double skill in SR4 instead of Att + Skill, has anyone else tried this?
Thoughts and opinions are welcome. I'll be starting up a game of SR4 for some friends of mine soon and haven't decided whether or not to run it with the written rules or some house-rules I've thought up.
Thanks for your time!