Am I the only one who thinks character improvement is unbalancer in 4E? I mean, New Rating x2 for Skills, x3 for Attributes, x5 for Skill Groups ? This really doesn't work either for me or my group. Let's take a look at character improvement options for my gunslinger adept for example.
He has Charisma 3 and Influence Group 2. I want to improve his people skills, so I calculate my options. For about the same in-game results (for social purposes at least), I have to spend 12 karma to get Charisma 4, or 15 to get Influence Group at 3. I'll choose Charisma obviously, because Attributes are much better than Skills. Charisma will help for Composure test, amongst others.
Even for individual skills it's unbalanced. I have Perception 3 and Intuition 3. Should I get Perception 4 for 8 karma, or Intuition 4 for 12, which will also impact on my Initiative ? I'm obviously gonna hold out for Intuition !
My group and I have toyed with a few alternatives for character improvement. I think for my next campaign we'll use the following :
Skills at New Rating, minimum 3 karma
Skill groups 3x New rating
Attributes 4x New Rating
Anybody use similar house rules ? What are your thoughts regarding character improvement ?