Jan 14 2009, 07:51 PM
Hi all,
Been a while and my search-fu fails, so I apologize if this has been asked or pointed out.
Two parts to my question:
(1) Stock nexi costs don't seem to match up with identical custom stats. I can't get the Costs listed in Unwired to sync with the formulas listed at the end of the book. At first I thought they where missing Signal costs but quite frankly I am not sure what's going on. Any insight?
(2) Confusion with 'Persona Limit' attribute. Near P.50 in Unwired, there is a mention of Persona Limit = System * 3 and that calculated value is followed on the examples given therein. Under the custom rules (back of the book), this seems to fly out the window completely with the "stock" nexi.
Is this just a case of, "if it's not explicitly stated then Persona Limit = System*3" ?? Your insight is appreciated.
PS - I am writing a tiny app to calc Nexi costs and this is what came about. PM me if you'd like some info.
Jan 14 2009, 07:57 PM
The costs not matching up is nothing new. Look at the stock commlinks and stock OSs in the main book, and compare those to the prices of buying the individual pieces in the wireless world chapter.
As for the persona limit - I think the system * 3 is just a rule of thumb (if the GM is just making up a nexus, that way he doesn't have to worry about it) whereas if you're calculating the prices for a custom nexus, you can get one with more or less of a persona limit.
Jan 15 2009, 04:18 AM
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Jan 14 2009, 11:57 AM)
The costs not matching up is nothing new. Look at the stock commlinks and stock OSs in the main book, and compare those to the prices of buying the individual pieces in the wireless world chapter.
I had a moment of optimism about a 4th version of this, but oh well.
Jan 15 2009, 05:56 AM
Hey as I said before to another person: when you buy a stock commlink you're mainly paying for the name... kinda like with blue jeans today. Take a generic pair of jeans verses Levi's... 'nuff said. I also said that with any stock commlink it has availability of zero and a stock one is much harder to get (higher availability).
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