Raven Bloodeyes
Jan 15 2009, 03:55 AM
I just finished perusing Missions and was struck by the Mars adventure.
Is there any other canon sources (novels, sourcebooks, etc.) that mention anything more about these mysterious bones or the pyramids on Mars, and what they really are?
My searchfu turned up notta after an hour, so here's for the direct ask.
Thanks in advance!
Dr Funfrock
Jan 15 2009, 05:56 AM
Well the pyramids have turned up in all kinds of real world conspiracy stuff regarding Mars.
For the specifically Shadowrun angle, get your hands on Portfolio of a Dragon, or just check out Dunkelzahn's Will (plus Ancient History's annotations) here:
http://ancientfiles.dumpshock.com/Dunk_Will.htmThe bequest you're looking for is almost exactly half-way down the page.
Raven Bloodeyes
Jan 15 2009, 06:16 AM
Yeah, I found Ancient's info there, but that didn't really add much, other than the Evo connection... and that doesn't add much detail as to their origins. Thanks though!
Jan 15 2009, 12:35 PM
Little green men built them, shortly after they finished a practice run with the earth pyramids. They'd taken a working holiday. Before that they were busy planting dinosaur bones, pretending to be Judas and daubing cave paintings of UFO's on walls. Oh, and buzzing rednecks specially created for the purpose, who were then put in stasis to be released far later in time to spread the tales of the saucers.
Jan 17 2009, 04:10 AM
Missions is pretty much the final canonical thing. but there's definately threads there. I mean the mission to Mars is going well until what on Earth is Xmas eve 2012 and suddenly BANG! The frak hits the fan and critical failures accross the board!
Assuming we know what happeneds on earth at that time, what is the link to Mars, another planet and another biosphere?
Jan 17 2009, 07:08 AM
I think they left it pretty much open ended so that GMs could do what they wanted with it. The only other references to Mars that I can think of are that Yamatetsu sent a manned mission to Mars in 2064 and that by 2070, by this point renamed as Evo, they've established a base there as well - neither references giving any information about the pyramids or bones.
Jan 28 2009, 09:39 PM
QUOTE (Hagga @ Jan 15 2009, 12:35 PM)

Little green men built them, shortly after they finished a practice run with the earth pyramids. They'd taken a working holiday. Before that they were busy planting dinosaur bones, pretending to be Judas and daubing cave paintings of UFO's on walls. Oh, and buzzing rednecks specially created for the purpose, who were then put in stasis to be released far later in time to spread the tales of the saucers.
Almost the plot of Strata, by Terry Pratchett.
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