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Full Version: (SR3) Check out my first Awakened character
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Yes, I know I suck at posting images here. I can't figure it out to save my friggin' life.

next time try hosting the actual html-files like i did with my SR3-Troll some time ago
further more: trolls generally don't play nice with magic due to horrendous costs in building.
seriously lacking in skills and ressources like lifestyle and the such too
Yeah, the build cost was an issue, but our GM gave us 120 build points to work with, so I managed to make it happen. The lack of resources like lifestyle etc. is actually a part of the character concept--a hardcore cybered-out military veteran for the Pueblo Council, who SURGed into a metavarient and Awakened, and was subsequently taken by the Pueblo Council, erased from official existence (SIN erased, etc.) and planted inside Aztlan as a deep-cover operative. Once inside Aztlan, he was left entirely on his own.
dude, we usually play with compendium 3rd ed 123 points and i still can't manage a valid built that does not suck completely compared to the cybered version . .
by the way, you realize that foci are fucking expansive in SR3? and he is basically not magical anymore, as soon as he loses them? O.o
and the dual natured being not even half as good as the adept astral perception power?
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jan 16 2009, 06:02 PM) *
dude, we usually play with compendium 3rd ed 123 points and i still can't manage a valid built that does not suck completely compared to the cybered version . .
by the way, you realize that foci are fucking expansive in SR3? and he is basically not magical anymore, as soon as he loses them? O.o
and the dual natured being not even half as good as the adept astral perception power?

I bought a level 2 Adept foci with the vast majority of my starting character money. If you can think of a better geas for me to take with the character concept I outlined above, lay it on me, man.

As for the dual natured, that's just something I wanted to do. I made a post a few days back asking about that and was told how terrible it can be for a character, but I've really wanted to try it out since my buddy played a shapeshifter one game. He's playing another shapeshifter this game, so I won't be the only dual-natured character in the party.
wanna twink?
sustenance power and fasting geas.
sustenance means you only need to eat once a day for not being hungry, that's once every twenty four hours . . perfect for that geas . . also, it allows you to keep staying awake for far longer than you usually would be able to do . . it's a combination of sleep regulator and diet-ware as far as i understand that . . and for only 0,25 power-points . .
gesticulation for close combat stuff so you have to go through your kata movements to charge up and look cool doing it . .
not anything that can be taken away from you . . if people keep you hungry, you actually do the fasting shtick and retain the associated powers.
only if they force feed you you can't use them on that very day . . wanna go REALLY twinky? get some bio-stuff that allows you to stop eating completely . . presto, fasting geas is allways in perfect order . .
combined with iron gut power for 0,5 points you can eat anything without worrying about getting poisoned too much and only need to do so once every day . . you can with this actually live out on the streets just fine by dumpster-diving or eating devil-rats . . or do some hunting in the amazonas jungle while going down under down there with aztech . .
this way you do save money on the focus too, and you don't need to bind it and/or pay karma either . .
(yes, i know, for not liking magics i can be horribly twinky ^^)
ok, so you are not the only big glowy target in the group . . not better by much, in my eyes, but eh, it's your character and if it's for background i can deal with it ^^
First off don't use point build, in SR3 it's a total magician screw. Just out of curiosity, could you post the point split?
Also you forgot to take into account that bioware costs Essence for Awakened characters. Unless this is something unique in SR3.
In SR3 Bioware did not cost essence it had Bio-Index instead. For the awakened, you reduced your Magic rating equal to half your Bio-Index rounded down.
yeah, of course . . i forgout about being able to not be using build point system . .
priorities can let you do some pretty twisted stuff i guess . .
In SR3, cybered characters own adepts when it comes to fully-rounded combat characters - cybered smartlinks are so much better, and they can combine freakishly fast initiative enhancers with toughness-boosting 'ware.

For adepts, the main power that lets them compete is improved ability. They can spend half of their starting points to get six extra freakin' dice for something. That's huge! They are especially good at close combat with this, since SR3 melee is an opposed test, where you can wound someone even when you are defending against them. That's the main thing, their bread and butter, and why adepts are generally best in more specialized roles (sneaky ninja type or cat burglar, martial artist, etc.). They are also good for using killing hands or weapon foci to fight things like spirits much more effectively. And there are a few nifty adept powers that simply can't be duplicated with cyberware.

For this particular type of build, a sammie would be much more effective. You still might do all right if you are the only tank/heavy hitter in the group, though.
due to adept powers, bio and cyber stacking, you can get a more or less rounded adept with 16 dice for jumping and a -6 TARGET NUMBER to athletics rolls too . .
basically that means even if they are blind, they can probably still summer-sault through 3 burning tires and land on their hands . .
and yeah, the +6 dice for improced ability is pretty hardcore . . think: base ability 6, improved ability 6, and you can use 6 combat pool dice too . . that's 18 dice for one skills right there, and you can get even more bonuses due to cyber and bio too . . if you are really good, a starting adept can have 24 dice in one skill . . considering that skills are capped at 6 or at max 5/7 in starting characters, that is pretty much hardcore . .
QUOTE (Catsnightmare @ Jan 17 2009, 09:12 PM) *
First off don't use point build, in SR3 it's a total magician screw. Just out of curiosity, could you post the point split?

I have to use point build, it's what our GM mandates be used. I'm not sure what you mean by point split, though.

We had our first game last night and I must say, I really wasn't very happy with how the build turned out. I may end up just scrapping this version and remaking the character again.
What I meant was how did you spend/divide your build points? I tried reverse engineering and came up with this, is it accurate?
Skills = 16 points
Attributes = 54 points
Troll Minotaur = 15 points
Resources = 10 points
Physical Adept = 25 points
Total = 120 points
Not quite, I'm also a changeling, and there's a few other things. Now that I know what you mean, I'll post a full point split later today.
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