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Full Version: Burning Edge to escape certain death
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hi folks,

I was just wondering what people's views were on this. Does burning Edge in this way permanently reduce your Attribute max or just your Attribute?
I don't have any concrete proof for it, but we play it that it reduces the attribute and you can buy it back up with karma...
Wesley Street
I'm 99.99999% certain it merely lowers the attribute itself, not the max.
I concur. Keep in mind that burning Edge to escape certain death doesn't mean you're player gets a "Free Life" and pops back up again. They simply did not die despite incredible odds. They should still have to spend a significant amount of time in recovery and possibly have to replace some limbs or organs.
QUOTE (raggedhalo @ Jan 26 2009, 08:05 AM) *
Hi folks,

I was just wondering what people's views were on this. Does burning Edge in this way permanently reduce your Attribute max or just your Attribute?

By RAW, the answer is no: it does not.
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