Feb 20 2009, 08:39 AM
I was asking myself if it was clear which mods the guns in the BBB have.
For instance does the Sakura Fubuki have the mod electronic firing, I'd gather it does from the description, but I can't find anything on it.
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki:
The “Cherry-blossom Storm� is the flagship for Yamaha’s new line of electronic weapons that feature no moving parts. Rather than a standard magazine, the bullets are stacked in-line in each of the four barrels, allowing the firing of ultra-fast short bursts.
Electronic Firing:
With this modification, most of the weapon’s moving parts are removed and it fires electronically,meaning that an electrical signal detonates the bullet’s propellant. This provides 1 point of recoil compensation (for restrictions on recoil compensation, see p. 148) and a –1 dice pool modifier to sound-based Perception Tests when trying to locate where the weapon is being fired from. Electronic firing is usually combined with trigger removal (see p. 153) to further reduce the number of moving parts, but this is not mandatory.
Feb 20 2009, 04:48 PM
It is a metal-storm weapon. Even today, metal-storm weapons are electronic fired.
Feb 23 2009, 01:03 AM
Thats my ruleibg as well.
Thadeus Bearpaw
Feb 23 2009, 07:04 AM
QUOTE (InfinityzeN @ Feb 20 2009, 10:48 AM)
It is a metal-storm weapon. Even today, metal-storm weapons are electronic fired.
I agree.
Just to clarify (and let us hope a rules argument does not explode). IIRC The mods on the gun as stated in their description are considered already part of the gun and do not count against the modding of those guns. I'd say the Fabuki has electronic firing for the sake of argument but usually I go with whatever i stated first and foremost.
Feb 23 2009, 07:44 AM
QUOTE (Marduc @ Feb 20 2009, 03:39 AM)
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki:
The “Cherry-blossom Storm� is the flagship for Yamaha’s new line of electronic weapons that feature no moving parts. Rather than a standard magazine, the bullets are stacked in-line in each of the four barrels, allowing the firing of ultra-fast short bursts.
See bold.
Feb 23 2009, 08:00 AM
How ever this now means it has NO recoil at all some thing that would have to be house ruled and very essealy at that.
Dakka Dakka
Feb 23 2009, 11:03 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Feb 23 2009, 09:00 AM)
How ever this now means it has NO recoil at all some thing that would have to be house ruled and very essealy at that.
What makes you say that this weapon has no recoil? It has normal recoil for SA and SArecoil as well for BF. This recoil can be compensated with the folding stock.
Why would you houserule this? There are several weapons that can modded to compensate all possible recoil. With gyrostabilization you can even run around firing and you don't even get the modifiers for running.
If the weapon needs houseruling it would be IMHO to allow wide bursts but at normal recoil as the ROF is set lower and the muzzle can then climb during the shooting.
And now to another BBB gun:
Ingram Smartgun X
Standard Mods:
Gas Vent 2 (possibly with Exchangable Weapon Mod)
Sound suppressor (possibly with Exchangable Weapon Mod)
Folding Stock
Smartgun System
Feb 23 2009, 03:11 PM
no if it had electronic firing as staned it would have 1(2) rc how ever i would rule that it has 0(1) as it does now.
Dakka Dakka
Feb 23 2009, 03:44 PM
If it had electronic firing as per arsenal rules, the cherry blossom storm would also be able to fire wide bursts and an observer would get -1 dice on perception tests to locate the shooter.
IMHO the way the firing mechanism works is just a design choice by the company. It is elcetronic firing for fluff, but not the standard electronic firing modification. If it were, you could even remove it, which is quite silly if you look at the loading mechanism.
Feb 23 2009, 04:19 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Feb 23 2009, 06:03 AM)
And now to another BBB gun:
Ingram Smartgun X
Standard Mods:
Gas Vent 2 (possibly with Exchangable Weapon Mod)
Sound suppressor (possibly with Exchangable Weapon Mod)
Folding Stock
Smartgun System
I see nothing wrong with this. You just can't use the Gas Vent and Suppressor at the same time, as per the rules in Arc. Don't remember exact page number, but we posted it in another thread. It is in the Gas Vent discription in the Weapon Mods section.
Dakka Dakka
Feb 23 2009, 04:24 PM
Exactly, that's why i added the exchangable weapon mod.
But actually it is not necessary or maybe even wrong as this modification refers to a device that can be detached and exchanged for another detachable device. The two modes could also be selected by a switch that opens or shuts a valve.
Feb 23 2009, 07:29 PM
You can have them both installed. Hell, you want the suppressor to be installed since Mod ones give -6 to hearing while accessory ones only give a -4. As a free action (if using the Smartlink), the shooter can switch between Suppressor or Gas Vent active.
I actually mod up most of my weapons with both of them, since it gives you the option of sneaky sneak or "ROCK`An`ROLL! Yea Baby!" in the same weapon.
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