Feb 21 2009, 11:05 AM
Where can I find information about Washington D.C. and its neighboring areas for 2070?
What kinds of government agencies still exist and what kinds of powers do they have?
Has there been any major changes in monuments, the city grid, etc.?
I have lots of RL references.
Feb 21 2009, 11:47 AM
Shadows of North America probably has the most current information.
It is now called the Federal District of Columbia. The UCAS-CAS border is the Potomac.
Actually, SoNA has very little about FDC. About the only change I can recall so far, other than the border with CAS, is the astral rift out in front of the Watergate Hotel. There is also a section on DC in the Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America.
Kanada Ten
Feb 21 2009, 01:45 PM
Ah, the good old DeeCee Sprawl, makes me miss Crimsondude. The
Shadows of DeeCee thread, while dense, might have some good ideas and canon informaiton for you.
Feb 21 2009, 08:55 PM
The DeeCee thread has been invaluable. Thank you.
Feb 21 2009, 09:58 PM
QUOTE (tisoz @ Feb 21 2009, 06:47 AM)

Shadows of North America probably has the most current information.
It is now called the Federal District of Columbia. The UCAS-CAS border is the Potomac.
Actually the national border is around Fredericksburg, VA. The southern border of North Virginia. Off the top of my head there are a handful of books with info about the city and/or government.
Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America
Shadows of North America
Just Compensation (novel)
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
Runner Havens
Feb 22 2009, 02:27 AM
QUOTE (martindv @ Feb 21 2009, 04:58 PM)

Actually the national border is around Fredericksburg, VA. The southern border of North Virginia. Off the top of my head there are a handful of books with info about the city and/or government.
Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America
Shadows of North America
Just Compensation (novel)
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
Runner Havens
Of those I'd say the NEO A guides has the most info, but it is also the most out of date. I'm just wating for my 15 year old copy to disintegrate.
Feb 22 2009, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten @ Feb 21 2009, 09:45 AM)

Ah, the good old DeeCee Sprawl, makes me miss Crimsondude. The
Shadows of DeeCee thread, while dense, might have some good ideas and canon informaiton for you.
I was summoned?
The material in those threads is still generally applicable to date because no one has really touched on DC since I posted to those threads.
Also, if you can find it there is a copy of my FDC proposal floating around DS somewhere. I submitted it almost exactly two years ago (actually, two years yesterday or Friday), but I still have yet to hear back from anyone. I sent a follow-up e-mail about six weeks ago noting that I began rewriting the original proposal ("original" being the final of over twenty drafts) to account for some new ideas I've had as well as to incorporate more recent material, as well as to reflect that it seems SR4 has since moved into 2072, which is an election year. I have yet to hear back from anyone on that either. I've heard similar complaints from Critias about not getting any responses, but then again this is not uncommon and was occurring with disturbingly regularity long before that. I have plenty of new ideas written down on paper, but I put those aside and am waiting until I hear back. I stopped gaming for good about a year ago, so doing something for SR is at the bottom of my list of priorities and I only keep it in mind because I have gotten good feedback on my DC material in the past, and I wouldn't be the first freelancer who was writing for a game he no longer played.
Anyway, thanks for the comment. As for the OP, your best bet is NAGNA. SoNA's material is worthless. There is some party information in SOTA63 that is of use, and an interesting turn of events involving the Technocrats in Emergence. The novels are good for atmosphere--Just Compensation has an overview of how fucked the city has become along the Mall--and gets most of the geography right. Stranger Souls and Clockwork Asylum also have some events occur in DC (aside from the slamming of Dunk), but they are geographical correct but plotwise used inconsistently or poorly. For example, the infamous "dark brown nipples" scene from SS was in a Watergate hotel suite overlooking the Rift, which is creepy and wrong on so many levels.
I had posted quite a bit of information on the Sixth World wiki on UCAS agencies, but it's down now and I never got around to making backups. Maybe you can bug Adam for copies or something.
Feb 22 2009, 09:23 PM
Hi Crimson_Dude,
Can I have a look at your FDC proposal? I just want some further ideas for my conspiracy based DC campaign.
Feb 23 2009, 03:44 PM
NAGNA really is the best resource, it's fantastic. Basically almost all of Maryland has been annexed into FDC, up to Baltimore. A lot of NoVA is part of FDC too, I can't remember how much. Regardless, FDC is now the crossroads between the UCAS, the first or second largest port in the UCAS (Baltimore), the CAS, and of course, all of the politics that come with.
DC is still pretty locked down. I believe it's patrolled by KE (Ares has a lot more presence on the East Coast, meanwhile the Japanocorps don't have as much compared to Seattle) in addition to DC Police and a bunch of other police groups (I can say right now, DC regularly has DC police, federal police, federal protective services (maybe those are the same?) Mint police, GPO police, Postal Service Police, Secret Service, DHS, FBI, Park Police and probably a few more I just haven't noticed yet, each of which has conflicting areas of jurisdiction and abilities to arrest, enforce laws, etc.) That's made tougher because DC has so many borders. If you get in a crash at New Hampshire and rt. 1, they'll have a nice discussion about whose jurisdiction it is before they move in. I have a friend who got into a drunk-driving crash, but walked away because the police took too long to decide if it fell under the Maryland or DC police. I imagine the CAS/FDC border is even worse.
That said, crime is still pretty crazy. More police doesn't mean less crime. The police mostly stick to areas where people pay taxes. You won't see much of them in Southeast, because it's mostly a poor community. In fact, in general, DC already seems like a series of enclaves. People from SE don't hit the Smithsonian, even though it's a bus drive away. When the crime you see in SE hits the Mall, it's a big deal, but as long as it stays in SE, it's just a statistic. NAGNA indicates that that's gotten a little worse, if anything. Now a lot of cities like Columbia have become sealed enclaves. While you could walk across the entirety of FDC (and people do bike it now in '09, from B-more to the Potomac), it is wildly different in different parts. A major harbor, three major airports, slums, empty areas, farms (yes, there are farms in the FDC) closed corporate enclaves, desolate industrial waste dumps, mcmansions, sky-rises (in Silver Spring. In DC proper I'm guessing the law is still in effect limiting buildings to be just below the foot of the statue on the top of the capital), a number of rolling universities... It's quite a mixed bag. A lot of racial diversity too.
Feb 23 2009, 04:20 PM
Does the link for Crimson_dude's thread blank out for anyone else? I tried it on my home computer and my work computer and neither one comes up.
Feb 23 2009, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Feb 23 2009, 09:20 AM)

Does the link for Crimson_dude's thread blank out for anyone else? I tried it on my home computer and my work computer and neither one comes up.
Yes, it fails for me too. But then I realized Chrysalis may not want the players to see it.
[player conspiracy-theorist paranoia about GM]
You think she can make it so some people can't look at it?[/player conspiracy-theorist paranoia about GM]
Feb 23 2009, 04:28 PM
QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Feb 23 2009, 06:20 PM)

Does the link for Crimson_dude's thread blank out for anyone else? I tried it on my home computer and my work computer and neither one comes up.
yep... something strange happens to url, but i think it should point to
Kanada Ten
Feb 23 2009, 04:51 PM
I fixed the link; don't know what happened.
Hey, Dude! What's up, how's school?
Feb 24 2009, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Feb 21 2009, 11:05 AM)

Where can I find information about Washington D.C. and its neighboring areas for 2070?
Well when Virginian buggered off and joined the CAS the UCAS wasn't all that keen about having a foreign border that close to their national capital so they hacked off a piece of the state, imaginatively naming it North-Virginia and made the state capital Fredericksburg. Here's a
map of the border that Jon Szeto (one of the old freelancers) and Raygun came up with, as far as I can remember they made it using canon sources but the map itself isn't canon if you follow me.
Feb 26 2009, 06:55 PM
Plus, considering how the voting patterns have been over the past few years, I can see the rest of Virginia not wanting Northern Virginia.