QUOTE (XON2000 @ Mar 4 2009, 03:47 PM)

I see what you're saying, but based on the player's concept, I don't think it makes sense to represent the back doors as actual people. The idea was that he had designed and/or installed these security systems, so he had left himself these holes that could be exploited later.
Regarding the other players being upset about this new character's special abilities... this is one reason that I wanted to use a mechanism that would cost the character something at character generation. He'll have to pay for these back doors with build points just like he would any other contact. And since I'm adhering fairly closely to the way that normal contacts work (having to roll to see if they can and will help you, and adding their loyalty rating to the pool), I don't think it will unbalance things. It's just that instead of the gear, or information, or favor that he'd get from a normal contact, in this case he gets a bonus to a roll.
Another thought I had was that if a glitch is rolled, the back door can still be used, but after this attempt, the breach will be detected and fixed, so that back door will be lost. In the case of a critical glitch, the breach has already been detected, but the character doesn't realize that. When he tries to use that back door again, the system will raise an alarm.
Ok now that we have more information about what the player wanted, I have another idea.
Why not make it something like a Maglock Passkey. This way it is something they purchase and has a single rating (not the split rating of contacts), unless you come up with a good concept what the 2 parts would be like (Access/Availability). Access being how far into the facility or organization can they get (1 = front door, 6 = the ultra high security vault/clean room) and Availability being how wide open is the window to use it. (1 = 1x month, or maybe only at exactly 10am each night -- ie... very limiting, to 6 = can walk in at anytime 24/7/365). If you go with the Access/Availability, have it be like ¥3,000 to ¥4,000 a rating (where you have to buy both sides the same as with contacts). Maybe even add a additional cost depending on what the business is. Security Companies/Saeder Krupp/AAA Mega Corp being the highest modifier. If you have an associated dice mechanic with it, I would have it as average of the 2 ratings - round up.
If you want a single rating idea/device:
Make it ¥5,000 (which equals 1 BP) or maybe as high as ¥7.500 a rating point instead of the minimum 2 BP for any contact.
This should not be a device like the passkey, this would represent access codes, maybe a security badge, a set of keys for a particular lock, etc. I wouldn't make it too expensive, because for 12 build points (¥60k) they could get a 6/6 Rating contact in that company which is could give far more access, and have even more benefits.
I do like your idea behind a critical glitch.
I like the idea overall and would like to here your final results, it is something I could implement in my game depending on what you do.