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Full Version: Camera in prosthetic eye
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
A film maker who lost one of his eyes as a child is installing a camera into his prosthetic for his latest film.
QUOTE (Alex @ Mar 11 2009, 12:15 PM) *
A film maker who lost one of his eyes as a child is installing a camera into his prosthetic for his latest film.

There was a similar story in the BBC (there is a link somewhere in the forum) about a doc in the UK that was able to create a cybereye to allow blind people to see again. All good work.
this camera will work more like a hidden camera recording, then allow him to see with his lost eye...

That is true; however, coupled with the tech mentioned by TBRMInsanity, you could have a wireless link to the optic nerve. Or hardwire, given the distances.
yep. the big issue is the conversion hardware...
We'll figure that one out at some point in the future.
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