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Full Version: Technomancers and storage memory
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HMHVV Hunter
Just a quick question.

It says in the rulebook that technomancers have to mentally transfer any data they want to download to a storage device (like a commlink).

My question: what non-cyberware devices are sufficient for this? Do trodes work? Skinlinks? What else? It seems a tad unfair if they have to get a datajack that's going to lower their Resonance by 1 at character creation just to be able to download files.
Since they have wireless in their head and every device comes with wireless circuitry you can handle it however you like. AFAIK in SR4 (unconfirmed in SR4A yet) the only DNI-equipped devices are trodes, nanopaste trodes, datajacks, and having a device implanted.

So to answer your question earbuds or glasses or even a piece of electronic paper can hold SOME data. Enough data? A commlink normally holds enough and you're going to want to share a phone# with your Johnson and Team so you might as well get a dropcomm and have it double for data storage at Signal 0. To get data onto it turn on wireless or use a physical device like trodes. In the end it really only matters how you transfer it if you want it to be handled at telepathic speeds or if you want to do the SR-equivalent of a ditto drive. smile.gif
HMHVV Hunter
Thanks; don't know why that wasn't obvious to me at first, but oh well.
Tiger Eyes
My TM got a custom made nano-tattoo with built in storage memory - but not wirelessly enabled (love that skinlink echo). It's pretty and functional. smile.gif
Hmm. How do you handle the degrading of nanintes? built in Nano-hive somewhere?
HMHVV Hunter
Yeah, I just went with a Fairlight Caliban for my storage and casual browsing purposes (playing a hell-on-wheels technomancer in a PbP game).
Just to clarify this: A DNI does translate nerve signals into electronical/optical signals and vice versa. As does the bionode of a Technomancer.
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