Jul 22 2009, 01:25 AM
I'm good to go for the 2nd - as long as we can do between 10-6. Can't stay after 6...
Jul 22 2009, 01:38 PM
I'll let Kyle know! The 2nd from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Jul 30 2009, 12:14 AM
Just makin sure we are still good to go for Sunday!
Jul 30 2009, 01:48 AM
Yup, still good from this end.
Jul 30 2009, 01:01 PM
Still good here.
Jul 31 2009, 06:22 PM
As far as I know...10-6 is OK for me.
Aug 3 2009, 05:10 PM
Hey guys, I'm keeping this as a way to track in between adventure IC stuff. Since most of us post here regularly, it should work.
Aug 6 2009, 04:08 PM
OK-What dates in September work?
Aug 9 2009, 02:26 PM
Not sure quite yet what days work best, but probably the 2nd or 3rd Sunday would be best for me.
Will have to confirm that after GenCon...
QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Aug 6 2009, 12:08 PM)
OK-What dates in September work?
Aug 10 2009, 01:18 AM
Can we do it on the second sunday?
Aug 10 2009, 10:39 AM
QUOTE (Silver12 @ Aug 9 2009, 10:26 AM)
Not sure quite yet what days work best, but probably the 2nd or 3rd Sunday would be best for me.
Will have to confirm that after GenCon...
We'll need a full review of GenCon....
Second Sunday in September should be fine, but that's pretty far out on my schedule.
Aug 18 2009, 11:18 AM
When is the next session?
Aug 18 2009, 12:02 PM
Things are finally settling down at my house. Any upcoming weekend should work....we have an empty schedule for a while.
Aug 19 2009, 01:24 AM
2nd weekend of September will be the best for me. Sunday probably better.
GenCon was really fun..the scramble was really cool - a bit overwhelming for a newbie, but man it was great.
Will fill you all in at the next session.
P.S. - if you all want to run some missions, I'm more than willing to run any of the ones I played! (and would look forward to doing so!)
QUOTE (Armiger @ Aug 18 2009, 08:02 AM)
Things are finally settling down at my house. Any upcoming weekend should work....we have an empty schedule for a while.
Aug 21 2009, 11:46 AM
Definitely need to hear about GenCon. I'm still kicking myself for never going when I lived in Milwaukee.
SR Missions are fine with me too (I've not bothered to read or play any of them).
Aug 25 2009, 10:40 PM
So, to bump this back up - are we on for Sept. 13th?
Aug 26 2009, 07:05 PM
I am.
Aug 26 2009, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Silver12 @ Aug 25 2009, 06:40 PM)
So, to bump this back up - are we on for Sept. 13th?
Unknown...I have to check.
Someone contact the new GM.
Aug 26 2009, 09:00 PM
Just did. The slacker! He should sign up for dumpshock!
Aug 29 2009, 10:42 PM
cREbralFIX recommended I pop in here and plug for our group. We think we might have recruited a 5th, but a 6th wouldn't hurt us a bit.
We're all experienced gamers, and all of us have our certified credentials as Min-Maxers in-the-extreme; This time, we're all trying to stay squarely within the rules and not try to break things. Thus far, it's worked pretty well. While we aren't going through the GM's squishies like a Kodiak Maximus through Near Buffalo, we're not having to worry about his dropping a cyberzombie on us just to keep us on our toes either.
To reitterate from the other thread:
Playing in Herndon/Reston area, Friday nights after 6ish till we pumpkinate.
Current party:
John - Ex-military (you can tell by looking) gun bunny. Cold cocks trolls on a good roll, too. Likes to play with things that "go boom".
Elrond - Elf Illusionist extrordinare, with an ugly penchant for the use of the Control Thoughts spell.
Hardcore (NPC) - backup muscle, specializing in ginzuism with a wicked glowing sword.
Condor - Rigger and tech specialist, sometime Decker. Uses drones as hair clips, it's creepy.
Kerenshara - sneak specialist, but if she were to answer honestly (yeah, right)she'd say "My name's Ilene, I kill people."
We have NIL on healing, and Johnson's buggering us because despite the LOWEST CHArisma in the party being a 4 (much to the ammusement of the GM), none of us has Negotiation worth a drek.
Drop me a PM if you've got interest. Next game is the 18th of September due to holidays.
Sep 1 2009, 10:39 PM
Kerenshara - I'd love to join in, but unfortunately my gf would kill me if I gave up the Friday nights!!! If you ever do some random stuff on other days, please post!
EVeryone else - are we still on for next Sunday (the 13th)? Looking forward to some SR!
Sep 2 2009, 04:57 PM
Yes-the 13th is a go.
Sep 11 2009, 11:21 AM
Looks like we're on for 10 AM on Sunday, Sept. 13th?
Sep 11 2009, 12:41 PM
Yes, 10am, normal place. It's been a LONG week of ups & downs, and I need some SR escapism...uhhh, I mean creative regain some semblance of sanity. Can I assume our fearless (new) GM is aware and ready?
Sep 11 2009, 02:07 PM
Should be. If not, we bludgeon him to death with nerf bats.
Sep 12 2009, 02:06 AM
So, with a new GM are we playing the same characters or bringing in new ones?
Just curious....
See you all Sunday.
Sep 12 2009, 11:05 AM
Same characters, rotating GM. We've all seen the characters, so there's no reason to be "suspicious" of them.
Sep 17 2009, 07:24 PM
For October, I may be able to do the 4th. The 11th and 25th may be better. What are others schedules shaping up like?
PS:Suspicious of them! Hah! SOP.
Sep 17 2009, 07:24 PM
Double post.
Sep 18 2009, 04:14 PM
VERY small chance I can do the this point it's likely I'll be out of town from Oct 10-20th, so the 25th will be the next open date for me.
If the trip falls through, I'd be able to do the 11th or the 18th, but won't know that for a little while yet.
Sep 22 2009, 04:11 AM
Hey guys. Heads up. Might be visiting in November. If you guys have an extra space at the table by then, I would love to sit down and game with y'all.
Sep 22 2009, 11:54 AM
The 11th is probably out for me.
Sep 22 2009, 07:38 PM
So we are looking at October 25th?
Sincere:would that be because of thanksgiving or are you comming down another day? Let us know when you'll most likely be in town and we'll try to schedule something then.
Sep 23 2009, 02:32 PM
Hey Warlord,
It'll actually be to visit some friends and attend a convention. I'll be visiting the weekend before Thanksgiving, 11/20/09-11/23/09, if you guys are meeting then, let me know. It would be great to meet and join you guys.
Sep 25 2009, 07:06 PM
So would everbody be able to make it on November 22nd?
I have yet to hear from Kyle regarding the 25th of October.
Sep 26 2009, 02:23 AM
At this point, yes...but I'll have to double check and let you all know for sure.
Oct 5 2009, 01:09 AM
Just making sure we are all onboard for the 25th
Need some SR!
Oct 6 2009, 05:37 PM
Kyle and I are both good on the 25th.
Oct 20 2009, 03:43 PM
Just to confirm-we will be starting at 11:00 AM, right?
Nov 8 2009, 03:35 PM
When's the next game?
Now that we finished up our little trek through Syria, what's next?
Nov 9 2009, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (SincereAgape @ Sep 23 2009, 09:32 AM)
Hey Warlord,
It'll actually be to visit some friends and attend a convention. I'll be visiting the weekend before Thanksgiving, 11/20/09-11/23/09, if you guys are meeting then, let me know. It would be great to meet and join you guys.
SInce we were trying to accomodate Sincere, I think we were lookinng at the 22nd (the Sunday before Turkey day).
Nov 9 2009, 06:08 PM
QUOTE (SincereAgape @ Sep 23 2009, 09:32 AM)
Hey Warlord,
It'll actually be to visit some friends and attend a convention. I'll be visiting the weekend before Thanksgiving, 11/20/09-11/23/09, if you guys are meeting then, let me know. It would be great to meet and join you guys.
1) Are you going to attend?
2) Do you have a character created? We started with
500 BP. You can play pretty much whatever you want, though violence and destruction seem to be pretty common. You can use all the rulebooks.
Nov 9 2009, 06:10 PM
So, we're looking at 22 NOV 2009 @ 10 AM. Same batcave?
Next...who's GM'ing? I can come up with another adventure to run with some fun side plots.
Or, are we going to do the SR Missions in NYC?
Nov 9 2009, 06:48 PM
I thought Jeff was going to run one of the shadowrun missions and we were going to use 400BP characters?
Nov 10 2009, 11:06 PM
QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Nov 9 2009, 01:48 PM)
I thought Jeff was going to run one of the shadowrun missions and we were going to use 400BP characters?
That's what I thought, but needed to confirm since he keeps missing sessions.
Nov 17 2009, 03:45 AM
22 Nov 09, 1000-????, same batcave.
SincereAgape - if you're game (ha!), drop me an IM and I'll send you the address.
And no, I don't have a goddam clue what we're playing or who's GMing.
Nov 17 2009, 02:04 PM
QUOTE (Armiger @ Nov 16 2009, 10:45 PM)
And no, I don't have a goddam clue what we're playing or who's GMing.
I heard a rumor that you were GM'ing.
Nov 17 2009, 07:19 PM
Not I, I GMed's last Saturday. I'm still recovering.
Dec 4 2009, 03:38 PM
For December I recall discussing the 13th or the 20th. What are vereyone's thoughts? (Normal time 10AM to 6PM)
Dec 22 2009, 08:02 PM
Ok, December was a bust---what are we looking at in January?
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