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Full Version: Pictures for Shadowrun characters
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Kinda self-explanatory. I was looking around for good pictures of obvious cyberlimbs and came up pretty short. The books have a few, but not many good ones. I'm especially interested in more unusual stuff like people's interpretations of Gene Freak, eyebands, gyromounts in action, SURGEd characters and so on.
there's some threads on these whereabouts that deal with exactly what you seem to be looking for O.o
Squinky for example.
when he finds the time to do so, he will gladla draw what you describe to him in loving detail ^^
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 30 2009, 02:29 PM) *
there's some threads on these whereabouts that deal with exactly what you seem to be looking for O.o
Squinky for example.
when he finds the time to do so, he will gladla draw what you describe to him in loving detail ^^

Teach me to search before I post :sheepish:
nah, on this board, you have to know what to look for, to find what you REALLY want . .
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 30 2009, 02:47 PM) *
nah, on this board, you have to know what to look for, to find what you REALLY want . .

How do you mean?

looking for squinky trew me up thoese 4 threads on the first page alone.
and those are the threads started not by him for his own art ^^
Basically, this is what you have to imagine legwork on the matrix be like.
you have to find someone who knows what you are talking about.
then wait for a keyword to be dropped that looks interesting enough to
look it up further. then weed out the not fitting results.
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 30 2009, 02:50 PM) *

Many thanks ^_^
here's the second of his own threads:
Squinky actually was nice enough to draw two of my ideas. Van, a Troll-Samurai, and Binky, the half-Horse-half-man of the Apocalypse ^^

Now then, we get to the SECOND part of Matrix-Legwork.
Once you know one or two keywords, drop them by yourself and see who comes wandering in.
Most people that react to certain stimuli/keywords probably can and will add their own to the mix.
Here is some art of a character that I have, done manga style. I didn't draw him, but I commissioned this fellow to draw it. He's an elven sam with the more raptor-like cyberlegs. It doesn't have the full legs shown due to the trousers, but it's how I pictured him(he consequently fights with a style between savate, a raptor, and a bird of prey. I can picture it quite well in my head. The glaive is used more for disarming/tripping, the huge damage is done via his raptorlegs. devil.gif

This link is to the guy i commissioned it from, the character's info is on my sites.
QUOTE (ElFenrir @ Mar 30 2009, 03:44 PM) *
Here is some art of a character that I have, done manga style. I didn't draw him, but I commissioned this fellow to draw it. He's an elven sam with the more raptor-like cyberlegs. It doesn't have the full legs shown due to the trousers, but it's how I pictured him(he consequently fights with a style between savate, a raptor, and a bird of prey. I can picture it quite well in my head. The glaive is used more for disarming/tripping, the huge damage is done via his raptorlegs. devil.gif

This link is to the guy i commissioned it from, the character's info is on my sites.

I like the pic, but don't raptor legs usually bend the opposite direction? It would give you more flexibility for close-quarters kicking.
I've seen some variants of them. The classic more flexy ones, and this style-I wanted more of the...demonish looking legs? If you look how the satyr legs are on the actual satyr, they aren't QUITE as bendy as some of the cyber variants. Though he is standing straight up in the pic(i requested that), if he were crouched over I could see them a bit bendier, perhaps. smile.gif

As for bending in the opposite direction; I always kinda pictured them as the foot of the leg being larger and giving the illusion of the ''third knee'' that some folks see on the legs. I'm sure the 'reverse joint' versions exist, though.

He was pretty fun to design, though. While i don't have much for artistic ability myself, I always was decent at being able to design them from a conceptual level. (Well, for me and my buddies, anyway. We all have different character tastes. biggrin.gif)
Reverse joints would work much better for a kicking style that emphasizes slicing downward with your talons. I'm a kicker myself - tae kwon do and muy thai/jeet kune do in the past, hapkido more recently - so I can easily see how the joint change would effect fighting style.

[Edit:] I know what you mean about being able to conceptualize but not draw something. From my notes on Gunther Hermann, an orkish street sam with cyber replacements for limbs and torso:

Casemods make him look like a low-shine black chrome skeleton, and his helmet and armor accentuate this. His form-fitting full-body suit and armor jacket have been custom-made to accomodate the "ribs" by the simple expedient of retailoring them directly onto his body with holes for the ribs and sealing the resulting holes directly to the ribs where they meet his torso, resulting in a form-fitting set of permenant body armor. Any maintenance (if the armor is damaged) must be done with him present; by the same token, work on his cyberlimbs or torso requires the armor be unsealed (easily done with the right solvent, though it would take a troll with a crowbar to manage without) and removed before work can begin.

An unfortunate side effect of the disease has made Gunther impotent. Many people find his bony pelvis with distinct lack of bulge unnerving.

And for his bike, which has Pimped Ride 1 and a smoke projector:

shiny black chrome "skeletal" frame, and a constant "dry ice" effect whereby the smoke projector constantly bleeds a low level of mist into the immediate area. Mist comes from a canister which uses some of the space paid for the Pimped Ride mod.
heh, finally a good take on ghostrider utilizing cyber ^^
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 30 2009, 05:40 PM) *
heh, finally a good take on ghostrider utilizing cyber ^^

The funny thing is, I don't know anything more about Ghostrider than what I've seen in commercials I didn't base this guy on anyone or anything in particular (consciously, anyway); it just came out that way. I'm glad you like it smile.gif
Yeah, that is a nice description. I have no problems with that, but man, WTB some talent for drawing. biggrin.gif

I might try to get some art of him with reverse-joints and see how he looks. It probably wouldn't change too much with his looks-it might even add something, who knows. I'll if i can muster up another pic of him with reverse-joint legs. On the bright side, he has modular cyberlimbs, so he could conceivably switch them up. (This guy isn't only an SR character, however-I've used him in a few non SR stories and the like and sort of converted him over to what he'd be in SR.)
I accidentally used the slightly less detailed version (I had 2 text files for him, one for the human version and one for the ork); edited to read "by the same token, work on his cyberlimbs or torso requires the armor be unsealed (easily done with the right solvent, though it would take a troll with a crowbar to manage without) and removed before work can begin." (Added the troll bit)
to Elfenrir: you're right, The raptor legs in the picture you commissioned are drawn correctly. It's a common misconception that they are reverse-jointed, but what appears to be the "knee" in birds is actually an ankle. The actual knees of birds are not generally visible, due to their feathers.

(check out this picture of a bird skeleton: and you'll be able to better see what I'm talking about. The bird stands digigrade, and you can follow the bones of the leg up and get a clear picture of the ankle, knee, and hip.)
I still think they should have a reverse knee joint. More power for a downward slash, which with foot razors is pretty important smile.gif
I still think they should have a reverse knee joint. More power for a downward slash, which with foot razors is pretty important smile.gif
He also kicks normally though, and relies less on claw damage. The bird of prey/raptor tie in is simply more for how he lands on his enemies from above, crushing them more than slicing them (Brutal but effective in the stories. devil.gif )Otherwise, he's a normal Savate and TKD master, who just happens to have a pair of powerful legs.

(and yes, it was simply a minmax. Regular unarmed is easier to stack higher than blades, though he does use the claws as well. We allow the twinking of limbs past regular race maxes, so long as you put in the extra nuyen, so in game, the legs are as maxed on strength as they can go. He's more of a story-character, in actuality.)

And IMO, the demon legs look a lot better than mech-legs. Since they still get the +2 to kick strength, I assume they are still as effective game-wise. smile.gif
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