Apr 4 2009, 04:17 AM
As the topic states I fail using the search skill. The gaming group I'm part of is using SR4 rules in a current day setting. So I was looking for current firearms (.22, .32, .38, .357...) damage conversion to SR4. Thank you in advanced!
Best regards
Apr 4 2009, 04:43 AM
I think and use anything smaller than a 9mm is light pistol and 40. cal to 50. is a heavy pistol big bore round.
Phylos Fett
Apr 4 2009, 05:50 AM
Where's Raygun when you need him
Apr 4 2009, 06:58 AM
One of my players is a huge gun nut, and for some reason bothered me incessantly until I came up with this general guideline.
Light Pistols: are all 9mm. For a peashooter (.22) change the AP to +2
Heavy Pistols: .45 ACP, except the Ruger super warhawk, which is .500 S&W (or 50AE, depending on what you like.)
Machine Pistols: same as Light pistols, 9mm.
SMGs: .40 S&W. This is arguably the biggest sticking point. a .40 S&W does about as much damage as a .45, but has less penetrating power, which fits the rules perfectly. However, there are few .40S&W SMGs out there, though the tommygun is one, I believe.
Assault Rifles: Tough call here, you could say either the 7.62 NATO, or 5.56 could be the standard Assault Rifle ammo. I go with 7.62, because it is the closest to .500 S&W from the Ruger Super Warhawk, though it has less penetrating power.
Hunting Rifles: .222 rifle round. Not much else to say about it.
Sniper Rifle: Good old thirty-aught-six.
Shotgun: 12 gauge. I know there are more damaging 10 gauge shotguns out there, but I will stick with the 12 gauge as the standard, it really doesn't matter. If you want, 10 Gauge shotguns could increase the DV by 1, but double all uncompensated recoil.
Machine Guns: Light: 5mm, Medium: 5.56, Heavy, 50 Cal. Remember, you cannot fire these suckers without a gyromount or a bipod/tripod.
Apr 4 2009, 09:45 AM
The Thompson Submachine Gun (AKA: Tommy Gun, Chicacgo Piano, Trench Sweeper) was and is chambered for .45 ACP. It was developed with World War I combat in mind, but worked great for World War II combat as well.
The .40 S&W Cartridge is a fairly new round, as is the 10mm Automatic (Which offers similar ballistics, and is Metric.).
I am a huge gun nut, but my Players aren't, so I've just handwaved and said they standardized all the ammo sizes when they went caseless.
Cased weapons are done on a calibre-by-calibre basis.
Apr 4 2009, 09:58 AM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Apr 4 2009, 05:45 AM)

The Thompson Submachine Gun (AKA: Tommy Gun, Chicacgo Piano, Trench Sweeper) was and is chambered for .45 ACP. It was developed with World War I combat in mind, but worked great for World War II combat as well.
The .40 S&W Cartridge is a fairly new round, as is the 10mm Automatic (Which offers similar ballistics, and is Metric.).
I am a huge gun nut, but my Players aren't, so I've just handwaved and said they standardized all the ammo sizes when they went caseless.
Cased weapons are done on a calibre-by-calibre basis.
I stand corrected.
Anyway, I think the book recommends that all guns of one size are supposed to have the same ammunition (With the ever-present exception of the Ruger Super Warhawk.) So I just wrote down what made sense from what I knew and what fit the rules. I don't know if there are even any .40 SMGs on the market, but it fits the rules pretty well so it's what I settled on.
Apr 4 2009, 12:04 PM
There are .40 S&W SMGs, they're just rare.
The H&K UMP-40 is one, for example. (It also comes in .45 ACP and 9mm Parabellum.).
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