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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
I have one player, but we are looking for a couple more in the Columbus, Ohio area. If you are looking for a game, let me know.
Are you still looking for players? I will probably be moving to the Columbus area in a month or two.

I've been GMing SR (all editions) for the past 20 years and am currently running a long standing campaign in my local area as well as Missions at a local game store.

I would be happy to simply be a player though, since I so rarely get to actually play.

Please let me know if ya'll are still looking for people.
My longtime group will be starting a new Shadowrun 4th. edition game soon. We could use a person that has SR 4 GM'ing experience if you might be interested or we might have a spot for a player if interested.
I'm interested in either.

Are there any game stores in the area? I'm also a CDT Special Agent for Shadowrun, so I'd also like to get with any of the local game stores to set up Missions events.

If everything goes as planned I will be moving there 1 July.
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