QUOTE (JoelHalpern @ Apr 25 2009, 01:27 PM)
One thing struck be about the scripts.
There seem to be (at least) two ways of treating the scripting description.
One way is to say that the players have to write the scripts. This turns things into a programming "contest" between the GM and the player.
Alternatively, the scripts could simply be viewed as an explanation of why high skill folks can get better use out of "command" and similar programs.
On the one hand, the amount of text given over to the scripts argues for the first interpretation. But, the character could be a great rigger who writes great scripts, but the player may be a theater-oriented with no idea how to write careful conditionals. Making the player write the scripts seems to miss the point of the character having the skill.
Joel M. Halpern
I agree with your argument, I think a script should be reserved for special conditions that you want your drones to react to, and I think that the GM will understand what your intentions are and should look at your characters skill not any actual lines of code. like the afore mentioned deadman trigger. It makes sense to people. I don't think its neccisary to write out;
1)check input from biomod;
-if input from biomonitor fails, goto 2
-if Vitals are online, goto 3
2)check comlink connection;
-if comlink is connected, goto 3
-if comlink is not responding goto 5
3)wait 20 seconds;
-if input from biomonitor fails;goto 4
-if vitals are online, goto 3
4)Aquire and fire weapon on all targets
-if out of ammo, goto 6
5)return to last known commlink location, goto 3
6)attemt to ram targets;
-if no target is available, goto 3