Apr 26 2009, 12:07 PM
Hi Chummers;
This is my first thread, after lurking aroundt his rather excellent forum.
I am a farily new GM running Ghost Cartels, for a group of veteran roleplayers, albeit new to Shadowrun. We have access to most 4 ed books, but have little info an awakened critters. My guys are soon going to hit Hong Kong doing the scuba thingy and I would like to put in a scary awakened aquatic critter, any input from veterans of Shadowrun?
All input thankfully received // VJ
Apr 26 2009, 02:15 PM
* Pack of Merrows
* Toxic water spririt
* Ghost Dolphins
If you want to quite probably kill them, you can go with a Megalodon or a Kraken.
Apr 26 2009, 04:59 PM
Gotta have some zombified WW2 pilots swim up from the depths to lay a real scare into them.
Check out this vid and you'll agree... awesome....!
Apr 26 2009, 05:26 PM
Torpedo Sharks make minisubs cry...