I love this forum, seriously. Responses in minutes, fast enough that I stand a watch and they're waiting for me.
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Apr 26 2009, 03:31 PM)
Well, discounting mystic adepts for a second, certainly most mentor spirits are geared toward bonuses to magical skills, but they can be part of a viable adept build. Besides the skill bonus (which is handy) you get the occasional oddball like Rat or Bear with a more cogent physical advantage - and some of the disadvantages aren't bad either! Some people like Bear's berserk or Wolf's tenacity in combat.
The more I look at it, the more there are plenty of advantages to be had with Adepts. So much so that one of my players was just asking me about how to spend a few extra BPs, and I pointed him to the Mentor section. Bear would seem to be one of those ones that's got a lot going for a Way of the Warrior Adept. Two extra dice for resisting damage and the downfall is that you run into combat when hurt? Yeah... sign me up.
I've been away from my books too long to have seen the benefits.
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Apr 26 2009, 03:39 PM)
Concept and Flavor are big as well...
For Example: Sometimes, an Adept Warrior feels the pull of Wise Warrior, even if he does not gain any true advantage from her patronage...
Flavor is always a key for me. If a character is merely a pile of shiny stats, then it's an accountancy exercise, not something I'd play. I like breathing life into a character, which is part of the reason I can't play a character I haven't written at the very least a couple thousand words about prior to ever rolling dice.
Am I in error, though, or missing an errata. I posed the question based on another thread, but now I'm seeing in my copy of the BBB that only Magicians and Mystic Adepts can have Mentors...