The Living Persona Table (SR4 pg 233, SR4A pg 239) says:
Response = Intuition (+1 in full VR)
VR Matrix Initiative = (Intuition x2) +1
Now, regarding this, here are my questions:
1. Where does the +1 to response come from while in VR? Is that just one of the benefits of being a technomancer, or is there something I'm just totally overlooking?
2. Regardless of where that +1 comes from, I've got a questions about VR Initiative. Other hackers in VR use Response + Intuition for VR Initiative (with the listed +1 for being in Hot Sim). Given that a technomancer can raise his Response above his Intuition (echoes, the above listed bonus for VR & Reality Filter are 3 that come to my mind really fast), why don't they get these benefits in Initiative? For example, if the technomancer has Intuition of 5 and goes into VR, by the above table he'd have Response 6 and Initiative of 11 whereas a non-technomancer in Hot Sim with an Intuition of 5 and Response of 6 would have a 12 for Initiative. Is this really how it's meant to be, especially when you consider that a technomancer's Response is also limited by his Resonance score? In this instance I know I'd be inclined to say that the chart was written as Intuition x2 without thinking of Response increases, thereby making Intuition x2 correct, and therefore should actually be Intuition+Response like another hacker.
3. How does Resonance limit temporary bonuses to the living persona? Using the same technomancer with 5 Intuition, and assuming a 5 Resonance, would they even benefit from the +1 of being in VR? How about the temporary bonus of Reality Filter, since it is attempted on each node? Are these both considered hard boosts to Response and therefore they don't matter if it would take your Response over your Resonance? I know this is how I read it, but I could be wrong. Perhaps there is some reason that they, or at least one (more likely the Reality Filter), are considered more of a bonus and therefore they still work.
I'm just curious how others have treated these things, or if they've even come up. Thanks.