I enjoyed the funny moments thread a whole lot. Our GM asks us at the end of each run which player was MVP and what should end up on the Blooper Reel. I find more often than not we always nominate someone else and give kudos to our fellow players for a job well done. It also gives us a chance to examine what went right or wrong and learn from our mistakes. Our recent MVP was myself, for the first time;

Scenario: Hijacking an Ares semitruck full of chems.

After illegaly crossing the SSC border from Puyallup on foot,with all the firepower needed for the run, we hiked for 5 days to get to I90 where our target was headed towards Seattle. Several cliff faces later we posted up along the highway and waited for our target to drive by. Meantime our squishier team members legally crossed the border and went camping, waiting while we finished our hike. When the time came our squishies hacked the truck disabling drones and heavy turrets,my brother slowed the truck with an electrical road strip and I being the most athletic one on the team lept between the cab and rear trailer to cut the air line for the breaks. Now this was suspossed to be the easy part (heh heh), but when the air line got cut and locked the breaks the Ares Rigger, already goofy from the electrical road strip, crashed the semi into the guard rail crushing me between the trailer and the truck for a Whopping 24P damage. Without my Dermal Plating, Titanium Bone Lacing and the Physique of Adonis in an ork body (and a lil edge) id be Road Kill, as it was my legs were crushed and i was jacked up. When my team mate came around the corner and found me pinned between the truck and trailer laughing hysterically from pain and bein high on cram all he could do was stare in shock and amazement and congratulate me on a job well done.

So that was my first time recieving the honor of MVP for a run! How about you? twirl.gif