I'm not sure where I picked this up, but do you get more or free connections in SR4A? How many? Or are just the costs reduced? I hope so.
I am not really satisfied by the SR4 connections costs, as you might have already thought.
May 5 2009, 10:56 AM
Do you mean contacts?
In that case the SR4A rules are the same as SR4 rules.
May 5 2009, 02:50 PM
There is a house rule that states you get the number of contact points equal to your charisma to be spent on contacts. You would need GM approval to use this rule though.
May 5 2009, 03:56 PM
I've even seen it as Charisma x 2 to give people some more contacts if the game requires it.
May 5 2009, 04:04 PM
We use "Each contact is 2 points cheaper than the rules would suggest and you can have a maximum of 1/1 contacts (which are free now) akin to your charisma value".
Doing it that way makes the more useful contacts a bit more expensive, proportionally (a 6/6 contact is worth a lot more than two 3/3 contacts).
Basically, there are quite a lot houserules floating around on Dumpshock, take your pick.
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