May 5 2010, 08:20 PM
A group I was in for a long time had a layered chili-fritos-chili-tater tots-cheese casserole a couple of times. I have to say I personally was a fan.
Big Freaky Sean
Jun 4 2010, 06:44 AM
When I am GMing I like to make my "Go-Juice" which is just a can of AMP and Vault mixed together. Sometimes with crushed ice. I gulp in down and then the world moves like the matrix for me
Jun 13 2010, 03:43 AM
When I used to game, we'd all make sure that if there was a place to eat nearby, we'd break at meal-time to go there, then finish up after.
If there was no easilly-accessible place, we'd all make sure there was an all-night delivery place on speed dial.
If not, it was strictly BYOC...Bring Your Own Consumables (no alcohol). The unbreakable rule was you bring it in, you clean it up. Pack out your trash or never game there again.
Sometimes someone would make Rice Krispie Treats. Always a big hit.
And always have handi-wipes available. Sticky fingers do NOT react well with dice nor books.
Jun 14 2010, 10:38 PM
I'd suggest a Casserole night (Brocoli & cheese comes to mind).
Indian food night might be a thought, as there are a lot of different options for all involved. Mmmm, Garlic Naan.
I like to cook, so I've made a few different things for our group. I made venison chili one time. Another time I made venison burgers. I've made Indian food a couple of times, chicken korma, chicken tikka masala.
Someday soon I am going to make a gnocchi bar with different sauces: pesto, marinara, buttery garlic, Alfredo, etc.
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