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Full Version: The Blackthorne Seoulpa Ring
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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Large Mike

So, I picked a rather critical time to need my appendice out, but it's happened. So, I may be a little useless for a bit while I recover.
Is kewl... Just had mine out a month ago. Jump back in when your ready.
ooc.gif I'm not going to have a lot of computer access for the next few days. I'm be back at work on Tuesday and will be more acting again.
Skee stands and awaits an answer to Shiro's question.

ooc.gif Sorry for disappearing. My wife went into labor on Tuesday and, long story short, she and my new baby just came home this morning. I'm a daddy!! biggrin.gif
In reply to Shiro, Masquerade murmurs "It wouldn't hurt to go out there, as an added show of force. We just want to be careful not to instigate anything. They could be punks, or they could be Yaks moving in on this business, or people the Blackstones owe money to. Let's follow Fallon's lead, and not escalate things unless he gives the word."

She instructs the spirit to use its Confusion power on the punk pointing the gun at Fallon, if combat breaks out, then she follows Shiro out into the bar.
" Yaks..." Shiro responds with a raised eyebrow. He steps between the two of you and walks out boldly into the main room. The guy with the gun looks over at him and immediately you all see the look of recognition.

Shiro walks up next to Fallon and the asian with the gun seems to lower it. Shiro speaks to the man, " .... Fluent Japanese..." as he sets his sword on the bar. The gunmen replies, ".... Fluent Japanese..." and lowers the gun then nods respectively to Shiro and turns to leave with his large companion in tow.

Fallon looks at Shiro, " Thanks, what ever you did got them out of here before anyone got hurt."

" Your thanks is welcome my friend, but I merely suprised them is all. They will be back. And next time they will not be discouraged by my mere presence. I'm sure I can guess their intentions. The Nishoden-Gumi can be very... persuasive." Shiro replies with a humble nod.

Fallon nods at Shiro's words, " I was hoping for a little more time to prepare for their arrival, but it would seem that they have decided to make their move on this side of Barrens. Looks as if my place is the most prevelant to start with. I'll be damned if I give this place up to those leeches. I have a friend or two in high enough places that might be helpful in this matter." He says with a wicked grin.

" Enough about them, how's your mother doing? It's been about five years since I've seen her." Fallon says changing the subject as he motions the rest of you to come to the bar.

" She's fine. She's in Tokyo right now handling some business for grandpa. She told me to tell you you still owe her a grand for the Maj Jong game you stiffed her on last time..." Shiro says with a chuckle.

" Owe her...." Fallon looks at him with a suprised look, " She was cheating..." he said increduously.

" Yeah, she usually does." Shiro replies and they both begin laughing.

" So did you guys get everything worked out?" Fallon asks the rest of you.
Zane steps out into the main room. "For the most part, yes. Still have some planning to do, but that'll come in time. Are thing... ok?"
" Them... just a recurring nuisance. Normally I would take care them myself, however doing so with them is not the best course of action." Fallon replied.
Zane turns back to the group. "Alright, I'd like to do a little recon of the area, anyone interested in coming along for the ride?"
"Definitely," nods Masquerade. "I can handle disguises in a pinch, and it wouldn't hurt for someone to check the magical end of things out first-hand, either."

She frowns minutely when she spots her hearth spirit trying to give a lap dance to one of the patrons of the bar, who seems a bit freaked out by it. She coaxes it away, thanks it for its assistance, then dismisses it back to the astral.
Large Mike

Case decides that recon is best handled by the professionals, and he'll just do the legwork thing, like he's good at. "Scuse me, I have to make some phone calls." With that, he apparently activates a cyberphone and seems to talk to himself.

((OOC: I am so back I'm front again.))
"Before we go, lets all exchange numbers so we can get in touch if need be." Zane gives everyone a number where he can be reached, then leads Masquerade (and whoever else wants to come along) outside to his van.
Large Mike

Case scribbles a number down on a napkin, continuing to talk on the telephone.
ooc.gif Sorry, but it looks like I'm going to have to drop out. Being a father is taking a little more time than I originally accounted for smile.gif.
Hope everyting works out for the best!
No prob.. good luck with the kid!
Masquerade taps Zane and Case's numbers into the memory of her earphone, making a mental note that her first new purchase after this job will be a proper pocket secretary. She glances back to see if anyone else is tagging along, then walks out with Zane.
ooc.gif This game seems to be dieing a slow death. I'm still up for it if others are though. Who all is still playing?
Large Mike

I'm sorta half-assed paying attention, but I've kinda assumed that a fork has more or less been stuck in it.
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