Jan 16 2004, 10:43 PM
Okay folks here's the deal. This campaign will center around three guys known as The Blackthorne Brothers. The oldest is a stuffy human Doctor, the second is a cocky albino elf, and the third is a happy go lucky normal elf. The plot line revolves around the three of them putting together a gang of family and friends that come together for protection and to make nuyen.
Life on the streets of Seattle is tough in 2063. Who else are you going to trust and depend on if you don't have family/friends. The Blackthorne Brothers after a few years of running the shadows, botching jobs, running from Corps, and hiding from the Star have decided to put together a tight knit group of friends and family to meek out a living in the ever evolving sprawl.
The brothers bought out a strip joint in the tourist section of the Barrens known as the G-string. With a few of their ex-girlfriends working the place, Fallon(the second oldest) running the bar, and Jaime(the youngest) in charge of advertising, and recruiting. The bar is quickly becoming a hot spot for runners. Fallon seems to have picked up an ear for hearing details that allow him to connect runners looking for jobs with Johnsons looking for runners.
Now for the hardy stuff:
Building Points= 123
Allowed books= 3rd Edition Sourcebooks
Max flaws= 8 pts.
Min. Essence Index= 1
Contacts= 1 free(one of the Brothers)
Now I would prefer more background story than anything. I have been known to grant bonuses for those backgrounds that really catch my attention. If any one has any questions feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to discuss things with you.
Jan 16 2004, 11:01 PM
Wow. Nice. I'm in. I'll have a character to you at the latest by monday, but I'll try for today.
Where do we send finished sheets?
Jan 16 2004, 11:33 PM
Dolmana@earthlink.net or to me here.
Jan 16 2004, 11:45 PM
Ok, I've got my concept down. Character name is Trix. She works as a stripper at the club and is a part time hooker. Shes also an Otaku, but hasn't really used her abilities in a while, ever since she got kicked out of her tribe for using BTLs.
Jan 17 2004, 12:07 AM
That's kewl... uhh I forgot to mention no deckers but I'll let you play an Otaku. You and I will just have to work through the all the matrix junk I usually ignore...
HMHVV Hunter
Jan 17 2004, 12:10 AM
I've got an idea for an anti-Humanis elf gunslinger samurai. Do you think that would fit?
Jan 17 2004, 12:13 AM
Abso- freakin-lutley just send me your ideas... If you want to send backgrounds first then later work on the number crunching that's fine...
Jan 17 2004, 01:34 AM
This maybe a foolish question but how do they plan on making money? Runs? Scams? Is this a "Sopranos" type of set up? Deadline?
Jan 17 2004, 05:26 AM
Skee (Techno-Illusionist)Skillwired Fox shaman and professional thief with a natural aptitude for sneakyness. Handsome, silver-tongued devil. Double-jointed. Very popular with the ladies.
Jan 17 2004, 07:04 AM
Masquerade might fit into this game pretty well. She is a shaman, specializing in impersonation and infiltration. She worked for Ares before, and has only recently started shadowrunning. I will PM her to you.
Jan 17 2004, 06:53 PM
Is Bioware / Cultured Bioware available at startup?
Also, are you able to accept character sheets as .sr3 files?
Need to know before putting the numbers together for Hex, a chain smoking, shotgun wielding Brit adept/face.
Jan 17 2004, 08:06 PM
Bioware is fine so is cultured as long as you pay for it. As for the file type I don't think I can take those... just pm me all the character sheets. I'm getting pretty good interest but because of the game style I will only be accepting 6-7 players...
So far it looks like we have an otaku, two shamans, and a possible samurai. Most are elves which is fine but I would like the rest to be other races...
Jan 17 2004, 10:03 PM
If the Otaku doesn't fit into the game well, just say the word. I can come up with ton of ideas, so I don't mind ditching this one. I just liked the background that I had for her.
Jan 17 2004, 10:28 PM
I just normally try to stay away from PC's doing the matrix. It has a tendency to take away from the other player due to the extent for which that player and I have to post to each other. If you have something else use the same character and just change the class. Or whatever...
Jan 17 2004, 11:12 PM
Ok, give me the weekend to think it all over and figure out what direction I could take her and I'll have something for you on monday.
Jan 17 2004, 11:13 PM
We got a Rigger? I just got an idea for a slightly insane Drone Rigger, but I'll need time to make the drones and come up with a good idea for the actual character.
Jan 18 2004, 02:00 AM
ALrighty, my character is sent, Danny AKA Hex. Hard working, hard drinking and hard hitting Sammie/Electronics guy originating from England.
p.s. and he's a human, enough leafeaters already
Jan 18 2004, 08:05 AM
Fallon_Blackthorne Posted on Jan 17 2004, 10:28 PM I just normally try to stay away from PC's doing the matrix. It has a tendency to take away from the other player due to the extent for which that player and I have to post to each other. If you have something else use the same character and just change the class. Or whatever |
So you've done this before, huh?
Jan 18 2004, 05:19 PM
Yeah a few... first time on this site tho....
Jan 18 2004, 06:48 PM
Any feedback on my character, anything needed to be changed or explained better?
Jan 18 2004, 09:39 PM
No... haven't had a chance to look at the sheet, I can't unzip at work it's forbidden... When I get on a computer outside of work I'll check it out! SRY
Large Mike
Jan 19 2004, 04:34 AM
I have an elven summoner of the path of the bard, with a little bit of face thrown in. Want him?
Jan 19 2004, 03:14 PM
Well, with so many elves, I don't think I will offer Ghost Dragon. So many elves is just... WEIRD.
Let me try and find the time to finish a human mage I was working on called Biomage. Ex-bodyguard who discovered he had astral abilities when his client was attacked and killed by a mage. Lost an arm, had it replaced with a cyber. Has bioware. Wants revenge! Can't find the mage. Has lost his sense of morality after being reminded of his own mortality.
HMHVV Hunter
Jan 19 2004, 03:40 PM
I'm actually gonna drop out of this game.
Jan 19 2004, 06:08 PM
You know I'm normally a a pointed eared poser myself, but this many elves is highly unusual... Course I know why everyone plays them. Basically everyone just send me complete chracters(or at least backgrounds) and I'll let everyone know whose in or out. Those that have sent me characters your already in.
Bare with me people, my only access is at work for the time being some of my posting will be slow. I'm currently working on the opening. I hate to be cliche but you will all start in the G-string so you might come up with a reason why your character is there... unless your male then the reason is pretty obvious.
Jan 19 2004, 06:13 PM
OK, I'm giving Rigger to Grey. He has the time to make one without having to look back and forth between R3 and eratta (since he has R3R). I'll have a concept and the basics by the time I finish work, and the character should be done a little after that (as I close again tomorrow).
Jan 19 2004, 06:16 PM
Heh, tanka beat me to it. Yeah, I'm dumping Trix and doing a Rigger. Its been a while since I played one and I've always had a blast with them. And this character isn't an Elf! In fact, its a Hobgoblin!
Jan 19 2004, 06:54 PM
What are your rules on custom gear? Being a Rigger is tough without it.
Jan 19 2004, 06:57 PM
One more question, would you allow the use of Hung Out to Dry? Basicly, I get no other contacts besides one of the Blackthorne Bros. My idea is that my character is from out of town and doesn't know anyone yet.
Jan 19 2004, 08:10 PM
Actually one of you can play a drone rigger and the other a vehicle. Just a thought. Team needs a T-Bird. Um custom gear is fine just don't go overboard with power modifications. Use the rules from Rigger 3. As for the hung to dry that is definantly fine. I will have to work with you on what happened tho so it fits with the story line. Keep the questions coming people I like the interest.
Jan 19 2004, 08:28 PM
I'm doing a vehicle Rigger, so tanka, if you wanna go with Drones, thats cool.
Ummm... a T-Bird!? Do you have any idea how expencive those things are? The ones listed in the book start at 2.2 Million nuyen. If you want me to have one, thats cool, but you need to let me know what kind of discount or whatever I'm gunna get in order to afford one.
Right now I'm working on a custom Van. I was also gunna put together a small rotocraft of some kind, not sure what yet though, but if you want me to go with T-Bird instead, let me know.
As for my character's background, he is from the middle east and is fleeing all the wars going on there. I was toying with the idea of him being a sort of prince or something, which would explain where he got his money from. My other idea was that he worked with the military or some sort (maybe he went AWOL with one of their T-Birds?). I was gunna have him live down the street from the G-String and he just hangs out there a lot and got to know one of the Blackthorn Bros, but hasn't yet taken the time to get to know the local shadowrunners or fixers (hence, Hung Out to Dry).
Jan 20 2004, 02:37 AM
T-Bird?! Gyah!
OK, actually I suddenly had that epiphany during work (The Vehicle Rigger and the Drone Rigger tandem). Creepy, huh?
Well, I've got the idea for the Drone Rigger (which is what I was planning anyway) and that van of yours sure looks handy, Grey.

I had also come up with another character, but I can throw that one in the back of my mind until I finish this guy. Give me some time... I'll have to flip back and forth between the errata and my copy of R3.
Jan 20 2004, 03:05 AM
Skee'll be at the G-string checkin' out the talent, and keeping an eye out for any corp slummers needin' their wallets liberated

Jan 20 2004, 09:56 AM
Hex will be in the G-string attempting to recover from a hangover and the loss of several hundred nuyen in a card game.
Coming to a strip joint might not be the ideal way to do this....
Just to check, we have a vehicle rigger, my sammie/tech, a drone rigger, a fox shaman and..... masquerade's shaman so far? could we do with more muscle on this?
p.s. T-Bird *meep* - I'm all for the A-team style van Grey
Jan 20 2004, 07:58 PM
Okay the T-bird might be much starting out but with a Middle Eastern prince he could definantly afford it. It's up to you. Either way the van thing is cool as well. Delfyn your assumption for characters is correcxt so far. And yes we definantly need more muscle. Another Sammie or Sprawl Ganger would be kewl.
So far Players are :
And I believe Leowulf and Large Mike you had a character as well.... Once I get all the characters I will confirm this list. If I missed anyone forgive me... I'll get it right.
Jan 20 2004, 08:47 PM
Delfyn: Card game, eh? Skee's a bit of a shark himself (check his gear

). Mebbe he's treating Hex to a few drinks as a good-will gesture? Your call.
Jan 20 2004, 09:30 PM
Spooky, like it. Free drinks always appreciated...though if he finds out skee was playing with a rigged deck, its shock hand to the testes time
Jan 20 2004, 10:08 PM
Anything less would be a disappointment

Jan 21 2004, 12:10 AM
Man, I forgot how long it takes to put together a good Rigger. Hopefully I'll be totally done by tomorrow, sorry if I'm holding things up.
Jan 21 2004, 03:42 PM
It's kewl Grey take your time I still have stuff to work on.
Jan 22 2004, 07:44 PM
How's the pimp-wagon goin', Grey? (no rush - just figured I'd bump the thread up again

Jan 22 2004, 07:50 PM
Nicely actually. Its big. Plenty of seats, armor, weaponry, and storage space. Its look like I'm gunna blow a total of 500 grand on the thing. I'm also making myself one airborn drone to use as support. How are everyone elses characters coming along?
Jan 23 2004, 01:24 AM
I'm GTG. Think we're still waiting for some muscle to join in.
Jan 23 2004, 01:34 AM
Well it doesn't look as tho anyone else is too interested. Obviously I am going to have to NPC some bullet catchers but that's kewl. Grey send me your character when it's done but for the meantime I think I'm going to go ahead and start posting IC. Your character and anybody else that's not quite done can go ahead and RP and send me your character at your leisure. As you can tell this game will be more ROLE playing than ROLL playing so your sheets aren't that big a deal to actual combat breaks out. Even then with small time thugs and such we'll forgo the rolling and just tell me what your is doing and I'll just make an initiative order or something.... So look for the first post soon.
Jan 23 2004, 04:49 AM
The G-string was rather slow for a Friday evening. Only a few patrons seemed to be hanging about. Fallon stands behind the bar, his milky white skin glowing an eery purple from the blacklight the surrounded the ceiling of the bar itself. He stood with his arms resting on the bar as he leaned over to talk to short haired brunette wearing a skin tight biker catsuit. The regulars know her as Burn and those in the know figured out that her and Fallon were married a couple years ago. It is quite common for the two of them to be going like cats and dogs at each other and rumor has it that she even killed him once. This evening they seem to be quite happy with each other. The moon must be full or something.
Those of you at the bar are scattered at different tables. There are two stages, the main stage sits at the far back of the room with two silver poles and a ring of seats up against the stage. The second runs along the east wall between the main stage and the bar, with a mirrored wall behind it. Against the west wall are booths with small cocktail tables. The bar sits near the center of the room with a door to a hallway that runs along the east wall toward the stage, just across from it on the right. About the room between the bar and main stage are scattered a few round tables with large plush leather captain's chairs.
In front of the bar between it and the main door are more twin sets of captain's chairs with a marble ashtray set between them. A black Troll stands at the door, very human looking. He has no tusks visible and no horns whatsoever that can be seen. He is wearing a fitted Armani suit with grey pinstripes running the length and a hat that reminds you of a gangster from the twenties. You all know him as Wall. He is very polite and business like. He has on occasion been known to pass along info to runners that are down and out. He can get them jobs most runners will not touch with a ten foot pole, but those in dire need don't ask too many questions.
The elven girl dancing on the stage is a statuesque blonde with cropped hair cut in an asian style. She slowly strips to the music of some elven rock band out of the Free Cal State. A couple of regulars sit in front of the stage gawking at her as she entices them with peeks of her wonders, which are quite wonderful.
A waitress, a small petite red head with a rather hyper mood comes to each of your tables and asks for your orders. Her school girl outfit managing to flip up at every little twirl she makes as she moves toward the bar. She heads over to Skee's table where he and Hex sit tossing cards on a table.
" Hey boy's... whose winning? Can I get you another drink?" she says in a high pitched voice, almost bouncing with annoying hyperactivity.
Jan 23 2004, 04:40 PM
Zane sits in his normal spot at the bar, nursing a beer. He gives Fallon a nod hello and then turns around on his stool to check out the place. His eyes linger on the stage show for a while, but when he spots the card game happening, his eyes light up. Getting off the stool, the hobgoblin wanders over towards the table. He speaks in a think middle-eastern accent, "Hello dere, my friends. Would you have a care of me joining your game?"
Jan 23 2004, 06:07 PM
Let's just try this for now, if it doesn't seem to work then we'll switch over...
Jan 23 2004, 06:08 PM
oops. n/m. Posting Skee's first actions shortly, then.
Large Mike
Jan 23 2004, 08:16 PM
Case walks in and runs his finders through where his hair would be, if it were any longer than an eigth of an inch. He's an average-sized human wearing normal clothes that are street enough that he looks normal, but conservative enough that he wouldn't offend the corperate types. An obviously very heavy pack is slung over his shoulder. He surveys the place for a minute and walks over to the bar, taking off the pack, setting it on the floor, and wrapping the strap around his ankle a few times, so nobody gets the bright idea to run off with it.
He asks for two beer, immediatly downs one, and begins drinking the next one at a more normal pace, staring at the stripper boredly.
Jan 23 2004, 09:08 PM
Fallon breaks off his convo with his wife for a sec to help Chase, " Two beers huh, kewl..." he plops a couple of frosty bottles of Real beer on the table, " Hope you like real home brew, I don't sale that synthahol crap in my place. Anything you else you need? Maybe some company?" he says with a raised eyebrow.
About that time the dancer kicks the crap out of one of the patron sitting in front of the stage. Her foot connects solidly with his face sending him sprawling across the floor backwards. His friend jumps up and grabs her arm causing her to yell for help, " Fallon..."
Fallon turns to the stage and looks as if he is about to reach under the bar for something but stops as he notices Burn heading toward the stage already. He smiles and leans against the bar resting an elbow on the counter across from Chase, " Watch this, you might get a kick out of it." grabbing a beer with his other hand and taking a sip.
Burn walks right up behind the guy as he tries to pull the dancer down onto the floor. She steps on his unconscious friend lying on the floor behind him, then grabs the guy by the back of his head by the hair yanking his head backward at a rather odd angle. He immediately let's go of the dancer who retreats from the edge of the stage.
" Wrong place to pull that s... bud. Puff does not like to be touch by guys like you, at least not guys that don't pay enuff. " She whacks the guy in the throat and throws him to the ground. He staggers to his knees, the fury in his crackling voice heard over the music.
Wall begins to step toward the stage from the door but Fallon waves him off. The patron starts to stand as Burn stands with her hands on her hips waiting to see what he does next. He reaches behind his back pulling something you all notice as a combat blade. " Your going to bleed bitch..." he crackles at her.
" Oh please..." is all she replies as he lunges toward her with a low swipe across her abdomen that actually rips a nice cut through her leather suit. Burn looks down at the new rip, " This is my favorite jumpsuit you bastard. " She steps forward and immediately jumps back as another swipe comes at her. As she lands on her back foot her other leg sweeps out and around causing her to spin and her extended leg sweeps around connecting with the guys right ankle and sprawling him to the ground once again.
Fallon looks at Chase, " Damn... knife fights are my thing, should have handled it myself." he chuckled some what dissappointed.
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