Heath Robinson
Jun 5 2009, 09:13 PM
After attempting a search and getting no results I've had to post this.
Any theorycrafters out there want to tackle what happens when a Technomancer happens to visit a Metaplane through the mystic juju of a Great Form Guidance Spirit. This might be turning up in a game I'm involved in.
It would totally suck if the only option was "you get to do nothing because you don't have any Physical/Combat skills".
Jun 5 2009, 09:24 PM
Well, since it's a metaplane you have a lot of options here, since really anything can happen on a metaplane.
* The TM's CF's could become their equivalent physical skill (Stealth -> Infiltration, Spoof -> Con, Attack -> Some combat skill); this can be explained as the metaplane representation of the TM is their "mental self"
* Have the metaplane have some sort of (possibly strange) metaphor upon which the TM's abilities "magically work." For example, say your metaplane has no electronic technology but everything that would normally be electronics is done with animals instead (a la The Flintstones), your TM would find they are somehow able to manipulate these "biological machines" using their same TM abilities
Those are just the two I have off the top of my head. The point is: its a metaplane so anything goes. There are no rules (literally) either physical or magical. It is somewhere "else."
Jun 5 2009, 09:24 PM
Yeah, that's about it, if they don't have any physical/combat skills.
But why wouldn't they have ANY physical/combat skills? Don't they ever get shot at?
Jun 5 2009, 09:25 PM
You get to do whatever the metaplane let's you do. Every metaplane is different. Up to your GM to let you have fun or not. Most GMs are corruptible pretty cheaply.
Jun 5 2009, 10:16 PM
Its certainly my imagination speaking but what if TM's stayed TM's? What if all they could do is hack each other without any sprites [no matrix uplink] as they all went slowly insane from the silence in the airwaves?
Jun 8 2009, 06:51 PM
Slowly? I'd wager that it'd happen pretty quickly. Like, way more quickly than in the real world.
Jun 8 2009, 07:34 PM
Accordingly, the technomancer should get the following error message "You are not in this instance's group. You will be teleported to Club Penumbra in 10 seconds."
Heath Robinson
Jun 8 2009, 07:44 PM
QUOTE (Adarael @ Jun 5 2009, 10:24 PM)
Yeah, that's about it, if they don't have any physical/combat skills.
But why wouldn't they have ANY physical/combat skills? Don't they ever get shot at?
It's a freaking Technomancer. They don't have BPs for those skills. Like, at all.
Screaming Eagle
Jun 8 2009, 07:58 PM
Quick kit bash if I was feeling generous in a techno-free metaplane (I am VERY bribable and cheap):
Resonance = Magic
CF = Spells & max force - run the closest equvialncy, attack = Power bolt, black hammer = Mana Bolt, Command = control actions
Drain as normal for spells of type, maybe just Willpower with no secondary drain stat (or, if I feel like the pizza was inadequate/ isn't sitting well, no drain stat at all, you are after all not in Kansas anymore)
Resonance + Hacking for Spell dice pool
Sprites = Spirits - translating powers again for "best fit" to critter powers Gremlins = Accident
If I was not so inclined/ the story called for it/ no pizza was forthcoming - the Tech head would be close to powerless but is still another set of eyes and ideas - he has invested his strength elsewhere though. Naturally this would require a "payback" visit to a UV rated node - the near useless mage in tow and lamenting her taunting of the technomancer in astral space.
Jun 8 2009, 09:05 PM
QUOTE (Heath Robinson @ Jun 8 2009, 11:44 AM)
It's a freaking Technomancer. They don't have BPs for those skills. Like, at all.
Ahh, I had asssumed that this was a technomancer that had accumulated some karma, as opposed to 'out of the gate'.
Because seriously, if I had a technomancer who didn't spend any Karma on skills that keep you alive, they would die. I wouldn't even try to kill them. They'd just die because the regular opposition would do the job.
Jun 8 2009, 11:32 PM
Orkish technomancers ftw..
Then we can join our brave adventurers on the USS Swinetrek for another episode of "Pigs in Space"
(hey they have litters, they're short lived, and they look like pigs... roll with it).
Jun 9 2009, 11:00 PM
QUOTE (Wasabi @ Jun 5 2009, 05:16 PM)
Its certainly my imagination speaking but what if TM's stayed TM's? What if all they could do is hack each other without any sprites [no matrix uplink] as they all went slowly insane from the silence in the airwaves?
Actually it's mentioned somewhere in one of the fluff books (the Chicago section of Feral Cities I think) that a group, or at least a pair of technos can "network" themselves together to stave off the crazies. They don't have to be hacking per se, just swapping signal back and forth (acts a lot like telepathy) so that they don't feel completely cut off.
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