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Hey Folks--

For anyone who missed the announcement, this month's developer chat is focused on SR Missions. We will be talking about a whole slew of topics ranging from upcoming Missions releases to how to write a Mission and the jump from Missions Writer to CGL Freelancer.

During the chat we will be answering all of your rules questions as the apply to Missions, so feel free to throw them in here. Aaron and I will make a list, research everything, and when necessary pin down a Dev to get answers. I look forward to seeing your questions, and talking with everyone who can make it to the chat this month.

How do Dice Caps apply to armor? A literal reading of the SRMFAQ Revised would not allow vehicles or trolls decked out in armor to receive their appropriate values.
Technomancers can do tasks to reduce the cost of Submergence and mages/shamans/adepts can do ordeals to reduce the cost of Initiation. How does this work in SRM?

Also, magicians have to find other PCs with magicians to form magic groups. Is it the same for technomancers forming parties/guilds?
FWIW, a party doesn't require Karma to join and doesn't AFAIK require the same Stream. There is no equivalent for a party by Mages.
Are SRM00 & 01 still available for credit? Can they be run in 4e if the GM is willing to do the conversion?
Oh, and

In what year does SRM03 New York occur?
Emperor--I'm not quite following everything you're talking about so I'm going to berak it out and hope I answer everything.

The SRM00 and SRM 01 campaigns were set for SR3, in Seattle, and are still available for download in the archive. At this point, they cannot be played for credit if you want to roll the karma into the Manhattan campaign. Per the SRM FAQ, only the most recent campaign's karma is allowed to roll forward. If your GM wants to work on converting the old campaign to 4th Edition rules, that's fine but they will not be considered Missions games or characters.

The SRM02 campaign is a 4th Ed campaign set in Denver. These Missions are available from the download page. Playing through these Missions is allowed before beginning on the later campaign arc, though characters must fill out a Karma Transfer Log. Once you play a character in the current campaign, you cannot go back and play through the previous campaign to build karma.

The SRM03 campaign is a 4th Ed campaign set in New York City. The first Mission 03-00 is a free download. All of the available SRM03 Missions can be found on Battlecorp.. 03-00 is designed to be run as either a stand-alone introduction to New York or it can be used to bridge events from Denver to NYC. The campaign follows the release guidelines and takes place in the current timeline. The first NYC eBook, focussing on Manhattan, has an in-game date of October 4, 2072.
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Jul 3 2009, 03:09 AM) *
Per the SRM FAQ, only the most recent campaign's karma is allowed to roll forward *snip* they will not be considered Missions games or characters.


QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Jul 3 2009, 03:09 AM) *
The first NYC eBook, focussing on Manhattan, has an in-game date of October 4, 2072.


QUOTE (mercaptan @ Jun 10 2009, 11:36 PM) *
... mages/shamans/adepts can do ordeals to reduce the cost of Initiation. How does this work in SRM?

I'm curious about this too.
Q-Technomancers can do tasks to reduce the cost of Submergence and mages/shamans/adepts can do ordeals to reduce the cost of Initiation. How does this work in SRM?

A-All activities which are being completed between Missions follow the standard rules as laid in the SRMissions FAQ. ( Certain tasks, such as a Metaplanar Quest or Great Hack will not be compatible with this system and thus unsuitable for characters to utilize between Missions. Later Missions may provide opportunities for characters to undertake these ordeals/tasks.

All answers are posted in a separate thread.
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Jul 4 2009, 12:27 PM) *
All answers are posted in a separate thread.

Oh, what I wouldn't do for a link to that thread!


Oh, I grep'd it smile.gif (which despite the SR misinformation, means "to search" cyber.gif )
Real Dave
Does anyone have a transcript of this chat (June 09)? I'm dying to hear the bits on writing for SRM. Thanks!
The Jake
How does one become a writer for SR Missions?

- J.
QUOTE (The Jake @ Jul 30 2009, 05:44 AM) *
How does one become a writer for SR Missions?

On the website:

See the link that says for Gamemasters and writers.
QUOTE (Real Dave @ Jul 27 2009, 05:08 AM) *
Does anyone have a transcript of this chat (June 09)? I'm dying to hear the bits on writing for SRM. Thanks!
The June Chat Transcript can be found here

QUOTE (The Jake @ Jul 30 2009, 03:44 AM) *
How does one become a writer for SR Missions?
You can send PMs to Aaron or I through this board, or email us at for specific questions. I do my best to respond within 24-48 hours, and if a proposal is not accepted, Aaron or I will go through it and offer a critique and feedback to improve later proposals. I also recommend that you read through this thread where Aaron and I answered questions during our last open call. Some of our regular freelancers (such as Blackjack Rackham) also gave their advice.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the link Saint Hax offered.
The Process

The submission process begins with the writer submitting a detailed outline to the Shadowrun Missions Coordinator. Currently, we are seeking adventures that use the Shadowrun Fourth Edition rules. If the campaign director feels that the adventure does not fit the campaign setting, then the writer is informed as to what might make it acceptable. If the writer wishes to continue after reviewing those suggestions, and the campaign director approves the adventure, then the writer proceeds in fleshing out the proposal and writing the adventure.

Once the adventure is finished, it is submitted to the campaign director to check for game balance, general level of difficulty, continuity, and other factors, as well as a preliminary edit for grammar and spelling. The adventure is then returned to the author with corrections and changes. This process continues back and forth until both the director and the author have created a fun adventure.

During the editorial process, the director may pass the adventure to select groups of campaign staff for playtesting purposes, in order to identify any underlying problems. These playtesters will forward their comments back to the director and author for consideration.

Finally, the adventure is formatted and packaged as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file and released for distribution. Because of the long process involved, the initial submission should be filed six months prior to a planned event. The actual adventure should be submitted about four months prior to the expected debut. Keep these time frames in mind if you are writing for a specific convention or event.

After an adventure has entered distribution, writers are compensated for their hard work with FanPro product and a unique Shadowrun Missions collectable.

Propose It
So you have an idea for an adventure - great! The first thing to do is to work up a short synopsis of the adventure, a short outline showing any mandatory and optional scenes, proposed rewards, any special events or considerations, and an overview of major non-player characters (NPCs) both friend and foe.

Depending on the adventure, you may be asked to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. This is sometimes necessary if the campaign director asks you to integrate new information into your adventure that has not yet been published.

Write It
Once your proposal has been accepted, you need to write the adventure. Follow the tips below to start the process. When you have finished, you will submit your adventure to the campaign director. Your adventure must be submitted electronically via email! Also, please use the "spell check" feature of your word processor before submission! Maps, photos, or other visual player handouts should be submitted initially as JPG (jpeg) at 72 dpi (screen resolution) in order to save space. Once your adventure has been approved and gone through the editing process, final jpegs will be requested. Do not send in Adobe Acrobat or other non-editable formats.

have printed that out and posted it over the computer..getting a little free time and am putting a couple of things together ...Most helpful to me was plan 6 months im working on stuff for next year..

question about missions rules....

My sami character has a biodrone woodchuck. According to RAW, How much wood could a biodrone woodchuck chuck, if a biodrone woodchuck could chuck wood? grinbig.gif grinbig.gif
A biodrone woodchuck would chuck all the wood, that a biodrone woodchuck could, if a biodrone woodchuck could chuck wood
6 gallons
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