Jun 13 2009, 08:48 AM
In the last few editions of SR there was a spell that made you "ignored" by other people. I couldn´t find it in the previous edition, neither the core-book, the street magic or the virtual grimoire. Has there be some problems (e.g. balancing, etc.) with the use of this spell that made the developers drop it, are they going to add it in another book or do i have to create it by myself?
Jun 13 2009, 10:18 AM
You mean the Disregard spell?
Basically it was a Mindrapery Spell that overshadowed Invisibility.
Jun 13 2009, 10:22 AM
There was a critter power called alienation which you phased out of reality and you couldn't interact with anything.
Not sure about a spell though. I'll try looking through my books when I'm off, but will probably be scooped.
Jun 13 2009, 10:31 AM
No, i don't think that's how Alienation works O.o
That would go against each and all set canon x.x
People would flat out not hear, see, smell, feel or taste you.
Or they would completely ignore and forget about you.
But you could still lift things from the ground.
But the people would not be seeing the thing you lifted float.
They would more or less ignore your effect on the thing too.
It's probably as close to a SEP as you can get in shadowrun.
Jun 13 2009, 10:59 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jun 13 2009, 11:18 AM)

You mean the Disregard spell?
Basically it was a Mindrapery Spell that overshadowed Invisibility.
Yes, that was the one. What happened with it? I want it again.
Jun 13 2009, 11:16 AM
It was in SR2 i think.
It wasn't in SR3 anymore.
Jun 13 2009, 11:25 AM
QUOTE (Machiavelli @ Jun 13 2009, 12:59 PM)

Yes, that was the one. What happened with it? I want it again.
You'll have to recreate it with spell design rules ...
Btw. I can't seem to find a spell called "Disregard" (or anything the like) in my 1st Edition Core Rules, 2nd Edition Core Rules, 2nd Edition Grimoire, 3rd Edition Core Rules, 3rd Edition Magic in the Shadows or any other 3rd Edition sourcebook ... There aren't much things left where a spell like that could be hidden - if it was ever existant in a canon sourcebook.
I'm inclined to say, that in previous editions (the plural you used) that spell didn't exist either, but was always something players wanted and created based on the SEP from Hitchhiker's Guide ...
Rotbart van Dainig
Jun 13 2009, 12:12 PM
Keep in mind that Mental Manipulation spells are constanly resisted.
It's much better to produce the multi-sense version of (Improved) Invisibility.
Jun 13 2009, 02:19 PM
QUOTE (Cochise @ Jun 13 2009, 11:25 AM)

You'll have to recreate it with spell design rules ...
Btw. I can't seem to find a spell called "Disregard" (or anything the like) in my 1st Edition Core Rules, 2nd Edition Core Rules, 2nd Edition Grimoire, 3rd Edition Core Rules, 3rd Edition Magic in the Shadows or any other 3rd Edition sourcebook ... There aren't much things left where a spell like that could be hidden - if it was ever existant in a canon sourcebook.
I'm inclined to say, that in previous editions (the plural you used) that spell didn't exist either, but was always something players wanted and created based on the SEP from Hitchhiker's Guide ...
I have no access to the old books, but i can promise you that there had been a spell called "disregard". If i find it on our next SR-session, i will let you know where to find it.
Prime Mover
Jun 13 2009, 02:39 PM
Alienation: Rendered you invisible,intangible and inaudible to others. While meant to be a negative effect putting the target in danger from getting shot, hit by cars, etc. Unfortunetlly misused by runners who would get there spirits to use this ability on them for intrusions. I fixed this a long time ago in home campaigns by reversing the ability. Only working on the targeted person. All other living beings would become intangible,inaudible,invisible to his senses. Thereby alienating him from metahuman contact. Suddenly alone and cut off most runners would flee to avoid bumping into something too dangerous.
Jun 13 2009, 03:05 PM
Disregard recently came up in
this thread (I should know, I'm the one that
started asking more about it, having been the first I'd heard of it). The specific post describing the spell is
Jun 13 2009, 03:34 PM
If it made you intangible, then Cars and bullets would not be able to touch you either or am i misunderstanding something here?
Jun 13 2009, 03:54 PM
Intangible to others. People not things, you could still get shot, hit by a car, or what have you.
Was disregard in the german book? Don't rememberca spell lke that in the american version.
Jun 13 2009, 04:04 PM
QUOTE (Angelone @ Jun 13 2009, 10:54 AM)

Was disregard in the german book? Don't rememberca spell lke that in the american version.
It was in Awakenings (which you would have known had you clicked the handy links to a a recent discussion of the spell provided a few posts ago).
Jun 13 2009, 05:15 PM
So it was in the book I didn't bother to search for in my cellar ... and it pretty much lastet for just one edition ~shrugs~
Jun 13 2009, 05:28 PM
QUOTE (Kingboy @ Jun 13 2009, 10:04 AM)

It was in Awakenings (which you would have known had you clicked the handy links to a a recent discussion of the spell provided a few posts ago).
My only internet right now is an iphone and it may or may not decide to let me open links. Like in a thread about Fastjack I could open the wiki but not AH's story. Don't know why. Huh, I have Awakenings, it's one of my favorite books, but don't remember said spell.
Jun 13 2009, 05:32 PM
QUOTE (Angelone @ Jun 13 2009, 07:28 PM)

Huh, I have Awakenings, it's one of my favorite books, but don't remember said spell.
~hehe~ Someone casted "Disregard" on you and you simply ignored that spell in said book ... just as I obviously did ... even back then when playing SR2
Jun 13 2009, 05:42 PM
funny thing is, if invisibility was basically a kind of single sense disregard, one may save a lot of thread space here on the forum...
still, i would probably give it a way to be resisted if the person did something highly noticable, like picking up the cup of soycaf someone just put down and still had in view...
Jun 13 2009, 05:59 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jun 13 2009, 07:42 PM)

funny thing is, if invisibility was basically a kind of single sense disregard, one may save a lot of thread space here on the forum...
Technically it always was some kind of single sense disregard, despite being in the illusion category. The real problem with it is that
- people tried and still try to make a physically correct explaination of the corrosponding magical effect
- first the german SR3-translation and now even the SR4 spell description took these explainations and included them despite going against the concept of (indirect) illusions
still, i would probably give it a way to be resisted if the person did something highly noticable, like picking up the cup of soycaf someone just put down and still had in view...
With mental manipulations having reccuring resistance checks that will at one point automatically cancel caster's successes, there's not much need for something like that
Jun 13 2009, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Angelone @ Jun 13 2009, 12:28 PM)

My only internet right now is an iphone and it may or may not decide to let me open links.
Thanks. I'll chock that up as "one more reason
not to buy an iPhone"...
Jun 13 2009, 07:26 PM
Are you, you know, actually using that blasted thing to post in here? O.o
Or are you using it as your modem on your computer?
Jun 13 2009, 07:38 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jun 13 2009, 09:26 PM)

Are you, you know, actually using that blasted thing to post in here? O.o
Or are you using it as your modem on your computer?
probably the former, as the latter can only be done if he is using firmare 3.0 and is not a customer of at&t, or something like that...
Jun 13 2009, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jun 13 2009, 09:26 PM)

Are you, you know, actually using that blasted thing to post in here? O.o
Or are you using it as your modem on your computer?
I'm regularly using my G1 for posting ... having a physical keyboard - despite tiny keys - surely helps
Jun 13 2009, 07:57 PM
and i have more then ones used a N800, either with the onscreen keyboard (watch out for extra/missing/wrong letters) or a physical one, connected via bluetooth...
and if what i'm reading about webos is true, my next phone may well be a palm...
Jun 13 2009, 09:03 PM
Actually using it to post. I'm in Germany so I go through Tmobile but haven't jailbroken it yet. Doesn't seem worth it honestly.
More on topic, yeah someone definately cast that spell on me.
Jun 14 2009, 01:26 PM
It's not so odd to use mobile devices when reading and posting. For instance, this post came from my Blackberry Curve. I regularly read ds and occasionally post to it from this device. Sure, it's slower than my home computer (unless I'm on wifi), but when I'm at work, computers ain't an option.
Jun 14 2009, 01:43 PM
So Disregard, as I mentioned in that other thread multiple times, is very eacy to abuse (and people here complain about manaball

), so be wary.
Also, I always took the interpretation of Alienation to make the target kind of go crazy with loneliness or somesuch, so that they couldn't do normal things while under its influence. As an example, I think that Big D, in his will, willed some some to have a spirit cast Alienation on someone for awhile, and that it was supposed to be a bad thing... I can't recall though.
Anyway, we always just said "you can't use alienation for that", and move along. It saves alot of trouble.
I need more coffee....
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