QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jun 14 2009, 06:33 PM)

yeah I klnow but in 2nd ed they actually mention that in the text, which I think was an attmept to make a good recovery on as bad edit, on maybe they mutated
I actually have my Paranormal right here ... and except for Shadowtalk (with all its dubiosness and potential misinformation) speaking of the outbreak in the northern european communities possibly being considered / deliberate there's nothing that could be taken as an indication that the Goblin version of said HMHVV strain was or the Goblins as such were (artificially) created. And even that Shadowtalk isn't a good indication since such a considered and deliberate action could as well mean that an infected dwarf was deliberately set lose within a dwarven enclave.
As for the initial question: You would most certainly create carriers for said virus strain. Despite being immune to the virus on a global scale such carriers could still be the source of further virus mutations.
Having such infected persons being subject to the Infection Power by a being that doesn#t carry a compatible virus stain could actually lead to a situation where a former carrier is then transformed. But the likelyness of something like that is extremely low. So that leaves only deliberate actions ... and there it would be easier to get an infection source that can directly infect than going through the troubles of first making someone into a carrier of a strain for his own metatype and then getting a being with infection power (with a possibly non-compatible strain) to pop the actual infection.