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Pier 94

As the cannisters fall, Omen slips down under the table, seeking refuge from whoever is about to follow... As he creaks into position, wincing at his uncomfortable wedging between chair, floor and table, he reaches out to the shadows, imploring his ancestors to infuse his flesh with their power ... and is suprised to find that the fey ones resist, the spirits reluctant to hear his cries, as if he were calling through a haze... Focusing his will, the shaman channels his will with concentrated force, amplifying his need with a bestial growl, his head searing with pain as he woos the magic too far. But the immortals answer, binding his wrinkled flesh with quicksilver grace. A satisfied growl sounds from under the table. Time to hunt.

[ Spoiler ]

Prominently on the table a different brand of rose water stood out. Cecilia loved the scent and used it to clear her throat before every set. Usually there was a bottle of Watson's, but tonight the label was in flowing middle eastern script.

On the floor the Medkit blinked through it's ARO diagnostics and flashed an urgent alert.

The singers head and heels started thumping arythmically against the floor.

.... 4 minutes ... flashed the Doc Wagon ETA ARO

Bongo grabs the suspect bottle and submits a sample to the medkit for analysis and determination of an antidote. He can't read the script on the bottle. While doing this, he says, "Marlin! Put something soft under her head. keep her from damaging herself with the convulsions."

Marlin grabs up Cecilia into his arms and holds her close to him, cradling her head to his chest and trying to restrain the worst of the convulsions. Tears are streaming down his face. "What's going on, Bongo? What's happening to her?"

"I think she was poisoned, Marlin. I'm trying to figure out what she drank so I can give her an antidote. Or at least have information for the medics when they arrive. We gotta keep her alive till they get here."
The medkit cranks and thinks.

"Who would want to do that? Who would want to hurt Cecilia?"

"I don't know, Marlin. But I will find out."
Simultaneously, Bongo answers prompts from the medkit, as it reiterates a diagnosis using the new information, and begins humming one of Cecilia's favourite tunes. "Join in the music, Marlin. Give her something to hold onto. She needs help to hold on." Bongo begins again. A little shaky, Marlin joins in. There is noise out on the stage, as if there is crowd there.

Joe comes into the wing. He stares at the scene, saying nothing. Bongo waves at him, indicating to keep the crowd at bay. Joe moves to comply. "It's alright folks." He says. "There's a bit of a medical emergency backstage, but it is being dealt with. Please, return to your seats. We'll keep you informed. If there is a medical doctor in the house, we could use your assistance."
Pier 94

Aldan moves toward the closet thing to grant him cover. He's not sure what is going on, but with two smokers dropping from the ceiling and this huge flash of light, something about to go down. He knows that Bodhisattva is on standby, but he doesn't want to call him here before he's absolutely needed.

[ Spoiler ]

Time drags on.... the seconds seem like hours... days even ... Cecilia's state is deteriorating ...
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