Jul 11 2009, 05:53 PM
I ran a search for this and found nothing, so forgive me because I know my answer is somewhere on these forums.
I was wondering if any of you knew of a good initiative tracker, whether it's just a PDF that I can print or a simple program I can use on a laptop.
Jul 11 2009, 06:12 PM
QUOTE (Enin @ Jul 11 2009, 09:53 AM)
I ran a search for this and found nothing, so forgive me because I know my answer is somewhere on these forums.
I was wondering if any of you knew of a good initiative tracker, whether it's just a PDF that I can print or a simple program I can use on a laptop.
I use a program I found
Aaron's site called gaminginit. It even does init passes!
Jul 11 2009, 06:28 PM
I just use Initiative Cards. One card for each character is put in a stack, with the highest initiative on top. Just cycle through the cards, and when a character runs out of initiative passes, take them out of the stack. In addition, each card has basic character information on it, so I don't have to look it up elsewhere.
Jul 11 2009, 07:21 PM
QUOTE (Trillinon @ Jul 11 2009, 10:28 AM)
I just use Initiative Cards. One card for each character is put in a stack, with the highest initiative on top. Just cycle through the cards, and when a character runs out of initiative passes, take them out of the stack. In addition, each card has basic character information on it, so I don't have to look it up elsewhere.
That's actually a pretty good idea, I think I'll adopt that one
Ice Hammer
Jul 12 2009, 06:46 AM
I used to use index cards to keep track of initiative, but I wasn't very organized, and they kept getting scattered throughout the bag I used to carry my SR books around. So I abandoned that system for a new (and home made) one: using Microsoft Word (I use Word 2007 for my SR materials) and a chart-based system.
For each combat scene, I would create a chart in a master file on a flash drive. Each chart would be set up so that I could track each NPC's condition monitor (so I can visually see which NPC is unconcious or dead). So on my chart, the first two columns are for physcial and stun tracks. The next column tracks initiative of my NPCs (I also include rows for my PCs, so I can see how combat is going to go). The next column in the the chart tracks IPs. So, I can easily handle a mob that has different numbers of initiative passes. In the final column in the chart, I keep track of edge for the NPCs. I am fortunate that my friend allows me to use his laptop during gaming. This system has made things so much easier for me as the gamemaster. This system isn't flashy, but for me, it works well.
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