QUOTE (RedeemerofOgar @ Jul 14 2009, 05:11 PM)
*shrug* I've seen worse. There is a Buy It Now on this that is only $10 more than retail, and the shipping is more than reasonable. I wouldn't call this fellow much more of a scalper than Catalyst themselves for selling it at Origins in the first place. Personally I'm a bit disappointed, because it's a very pretty book, but purchasing it would break my moral stance of not paying for errata. I was totally stoked about it until the changes document came out.
Don't know how you think of this issue and not telling you how to either, but you could buy it because it's a beautiful book with nice fiction, awesome artwork, and it happens to come with free errata. It is the Twentieth Anniversary!
And I'm with the people who dislike this sale. If this was bought by someone as one of the limited copies available at a convention, then they're making their money by denying someone who genuinely wanted to own the book from getting their copy.