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Full Version: Does anyone remember Brumby the Troll?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I was just curious if anyone remembers Brumby the Troll? It was part of the humorous fiction section from the old format of Blackjack's Shadowrun Page but since its reformatting I can't find the fiction anymore!

It was some good stuff that ranged from Brumby being sent to Hell (Michigan) to him hitting middle age (20 for a Troll at the time). He met his girlfriend while robbing a bank...she tried to rob it at the same time! Ah, good times Brumby, good times...

So if anyone knows where I can find a copy of the stories (or contact the author) that'd be doing me a real solid. And in Shadowrun we all know how important a favor can be....

Try here for starters:
I also found some translations to german O.o
The links are working, but not the .zip it seems
The Jake
I just remember the cows from space and Blackjack's law about money.

Those two things will stay with me until the end of my days.

- J.
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