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Razor Wolf
I would very much like to own the Limited Edition version of the SR20 book and requested that my local gaming store order a copy for me, when I was under the impression that the 20A corebook and the LE corebook were one in the same. Last week the owner of the store informed me that he will be able to order the upcoming book, though I am dubious that he even knows of the LE's existence. So, my question is, will retailers be able to order the Limited Edition, or is my best bet to pick it up at GenCon?
Ditto. Can My FLGS order my Limited Edition?
I can't speak for CGL, but I do know more or less how it's worked in the past.

Basically, there are X Number of copies of the LE sold to the distributors. Depending on the distributor, retailers may be able to order them directly, but usually not. Usually, the retailer can order one for every X copies of the regular edition that they buy.

This model sucks for smaller stores, but when traditionally there are only 1000 LE's printed, and chunk of those go to direct sales through Battlecorps, Convention sales, and copies for the Dev and writing team, there's not really a good, fair way for Retailers to really get access to them.

RIght now, the LE is still available for pre-order from CGL. The Shipping costs kinda suck, but it is a way to guarantee a copy.

Good luck. I know I preordered my copy the day after the SR4A LE was announced.

Oh, as for the Gen Con question... There are usually a limited number of the LE's available for sale there, and they will sell X each day, usually at a predetermined time (like, Noon). It's a bit of a pain, but is a way to fulfill your instant gratification impulse. Plus since CGL should be making a bit more money per sale (Since there's no Distributor/retailer), it does help CGL defray the costs of going to the con (Which as I understand it are quite substantial).

If you go the GC route, check the CGL booth as soon as the doors open. Then, be prepared to show up very early and stand in line for a while. On the upside, it's a good way to meet Shadowrun fans and possibly even chat with some of the CGL staff and devs. Plus, you can usually get it signed, and maybe even track down an artist or two at the show who worked on the book and get them to doa quickie sketch in the front cover.

But, if you just want to guarantee yourself a copy, pre-order it from the Battleshop.

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