Ok, Big D
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sacrificed himself to empower a hideously powerfull magical focus of some kind, called the dragon heart, which, as far as i understand it, would be something like a force 20 power-focus.
The Dragon-Heart. About as big as the Chest of a usual human, formed like an anatomical heart rather than the <3 kind. It was used to channel the mana that was used to form the spike/bridge on the metaplanes that would have allowed the big old nasties to come over and play before official playtime was declared by the universe. All that power had to go somewhere. It went into reviving Talon(yes, magic was able to cure death in this case) and into Ryan Mercury. A Ki-Adept of the Invisible / Athletes / Warriors Way trained by the Big D himself since early childhood. And it awakened him into his Drake-Form. One of, if not THE first Drakes in the 6th World. By the way, The Big D came back as an about Force 10 Free Spirit of some unknown kind. Maybe a Light-Spirit or something. But he had lost all of his memories. Only the fact that he had to get the Heart to Thayla was stuck in his head. When Burnout, a -4 Essence Cyberzombie stole the heart, he simply possessed him to try and use him. but then figured out that he could not LEAVE again, due to the binding magic in a Cyber-zombie. Then he, in the Body of the Cyberzombie, was Transported to the Bridge on the Metaplanes IN FULL PHYSICAL FORM by a strong metamagical ritual done by Caimbeu Har lea Qin and Aina Sluage. Using the Heart fuzed the Cyber-Zombie, the Heart and the Force 10 Spirit in one new being. and he regained his memory of having been the Big D once. Fade to black
And this is why the Dragon-Heart Trilogy is considered pretty bad by most people around here it seems ^^
The 2nd Crash.
That will happen, what with Data about who belongs to whom is lost.
And i STILL think the way the transition from 3rd to 4th ed in terms of fluff was executed exceptionally poorly, so don't expect me to say many good things about that either.
I think that one went down with the 2nd Crash too. Also, there were some rather strong hints about the nexus belonging to one of the big megacorps.