QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Aug 6 2009, 03:30 PM)

I will be there this year! w00t!
This is my first time. I am coming with my SR group from back home, most of which this will be their 3rd time. I have already signed up for some SR, DnD, and Stargate games. I may spectate the SR larp, but my special nerd powers are not developed enough to handle participating in something like that...
Water or Gatorade are your friend. Carry lots of it. (or at least an empty bottle to refill at the fountains).
Don't try and do everything, and avoid trying to play 3-4 games a day. You will kill yourself, and while it will likely be fun, you'll miss a lot of the stuff to do there that doesn't involve playing.
Walk the dealer hall a couple of times, a couple different days. You will miss a lot the first time through.
Bring a camera. if I have one regret about my first GC, it's that I didn't have a camera. My memroy is hazy about a lot of stuff from that first year, and it was all one big exhausting blur...
INTRODUCE YOURSELF! This one kills me every year... Forum members who were there, who saw me, but didn't come up and say hi and introduce themselves. in fact, write your forum name on your badge prominently, and wear the badge where it can be easily seen (Wearing your badge on your belt is stylish, but I look like I'm Cock-Gazing when I'm really trying to see your name

). Don;t be shy, none of us bite. I'm a big ugly ork and should have a blue mohawk. Adam looks like Jesus with a long mohawk. Jennifer will likely be the only girl at the booth. Etc
If you routinely piss me off on the forums, still come up and introduce yourself to me. Please. I like meeting trouble-makers face top face...

There's a lot more advice I can give to first timers, but that's the basics. Oh, and this is a given, but don't be afraid to shower. It's gotten a little better over the years, but "Smelly Convention Gamers" is a stereotype with far too much truth behind it.
I would love to meet people from Dumpshock, but I am not coming in until Thursday morning.
That sucks. Well, I'll be doing a few booth demos on Friday, I'll be playing in the Scramble on THursday, and running One Shots and demos the rest of the weekend.
If you hear a very loud slightly annoying geek bouncing off the walls with delight... that will be me.
You don't quite get the concept of Gen Con yet, do you?

Though only "slightly annoying" may help distinguish you...
