Piloting Origin
Cost: 5 or 10 BP
The AI’s origin is (or is related to) that of a drone or vehicle
pilot program. With the 5 BP version of this quality, the character
with this quality can interpret rigger signals and may “jump into�
rigged vehicles as would a rigger. The 10 BP version of this quality
is the same, except that the AI may load and directly use all autosoft
programs, using the program rating in place of its own skill.
Buy that at 10BP. That lets me load all autosofts (I imagine that counts both Drone and Agent autosofts, but that shouldn't matter either way for this). Then I crack open Unwired, and flick to page 114.
Profession autosofts are the equivalent of a single Technical
or Knowledge skill. It allows a drone with the proper equipment
and specs (tools or working arms) to perform the task, rolling Pilot
+ [Profession] for the test.
I take that autosoft, lets say for... hell, all of the Technical skills at Rating 4. Each one costs 4000

Sure, it means I have to buy myself a utility drone with two mechanical arms, but that does not really cost that much and is vastly outweighed by the BP benefit.
I am asking Dumpshock about this because it seems a bit too good to be true and I am worried that if I bring it up to my GM he is going to flip to some page of the rulebook and invalidate the entire character (I know this is really munchkinny, but my GM is normally OK with such things as long as he cannot find a reason why I should not be able to do it. i.e he will probably not just outright say no.)