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Full Version: Banshee character questions
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I am GMing a game and allowed a player to make a Banshee character. The build is reasonable and not overpowering through self limitation by the player, however, it has led me to several questions. I have tried to read the FAQ, check these forums, etc to try to get some answers so now I am hoping some of you on here can help me out. Here are the questions.

1- Mist form, does gear transform with you? My intitial thought is no. By analogy, shapechange and turn to goo spells both prohibit transformation of gear, so this would seem to make sense. The range on mist form is self, which the description of self range is the critter itself.

2- As awakened beings, like shapeshifters, it would seem that a banshee could learn both assensing and astral combat. Likewise they could not learn other magic skills or bond foci either unless the adept, mystic adept, or mage quality is also taken. Correct interpretation?

Yes to both. Equipment is not transformed. As dual being (is he?) he can learn both skills, but not other ones that are reserved for magical active chars with the mentioned qualities. Has to be found in the Runners Companion under "alternative character concepts".
1. That seems to be the general consensus, though there are other opinions. Your analogy is a very convincing one.

2. That is correct.
Actually, #2 is incorrect. Only dual-natured infected can learn Assensing or Astral Combat. Banshees are not dual-natured. They still use Magic for their innate powers, though.
I already wondered about that. ArenĀ“t ghouls and Wendigos not the only ones that are dual?
*checks his books and blushes*

Yup. Banshees are not dual-natured, so they would need to be either adepts with astral perception or mages to get access to astral.

Thanks for setting us straight, Glyph.
Thanks for the responses everyone
Everytime. That is what we are here for.^^
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