The sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Jared Engles
Alias: The Suit
Metatype: Human
Age: 45
Citizenship: Horizon
Residence: UCAS/Seattle
Occupation: Legal Consultant/Fixer
Physical Mental Special
Body: 3 Charisma: 4 Edge: 4
Agility: 3 Intuition: 5 Essense: 5.09
Reaction: 3 Logic: 4 Initiative: 8
Strength: 3 Willpower: 3 Ress/Magic: N/a
200BP(Attrib) + 20BP(Edge) + 0BP(Meta)
+ 30BP(P. Qual) - 35BP(N. Qual)
+ 1x10 + 23x4 + 2x2 = 108BP(Active Skills)
+ 6 (Languages)
+ 15BP (75k Nuyen)
+ 106BP (Contacts)
= 450/450 BP
Active Skills
Athletics Group Rate 1 + STR 3 = 5
Con Rate 3 + CHA 4 = 7
Ettiquite Rate 4 + CHA 4 (+2Corporate) (+2Legal) = 8(10)(10)
Intimidation Rate 4 + CHA 4 = 8
Instruction Rate 2 + CHA 4 = 6
Negotiation Rate 6 + CHA 4 (+2Diplomacy) = 10(12)
Perception Rate 4 + INT 5 = 9*
*See perception breakdown
Total Active Skills: 1x10 + 23x4 + 2x2 = 108BP
Free Knowledge Skills (5+4)x3 = 27
(Professional) UCAS Law Rate 6 + LOG 4 = 10
(Professional) Corporate LAw Rate 4 + LOG 4 = 8
(Street) UCAS Politics Rate 3 + INT 5 = 8
(Street) Horizon Rate 4 + INT 5 = 9
(Street) Security Companies Rate 3 + INT 5 = 8
(Street) Seattle Shadowrunners Rate 3 + INT 5 = 8
(Academic) Literature Rate 4 + LOG 4 = 8
English N
Japanese Rate 1 + LOG 4 (+2 Linguist) = 7
Spanish Rate 1 + LOG 4 (+2 Linguist) = 7
Korean Rate 1 + LOG 4 (+2 Linguist) = 7
Perception Modes
Unmodified: 12*
*+3 Added from Attention CoProcessor
Positive Qualities (-10BP):
Erased (10BP)
What better way to ensure your record stays just how you'd like it to, and all of those nasty little recordings of you stay off the Matrix than to have your very own hacker on retainer? Skytale does the deed in this case for Jared, and he is very, very good at what he does.
Local Fame - Seattle (5BP)
While it has been nearly a decade, plenty of people still recognize the Assistant District Attorney of Seattle who allegedly slept with a Mafioso's teenage daughter, and then tampered with the evidence in one of his collegue's cases in order to make sure the Mafioso didn't see jail time. While the allegations were false, Jared took it as a chance to bow out of public office. Oddly enough the public sees him as some kind of fading cult hero, more than likely because of his reputation before that.
Privileged Family Name (5 BP)
Before his downfall Jared was a household name in Seattle, and one that was spoken with pride. Hand in hand with Lone Star, Jared was responsible for deftly picking apart several major Mafia operations, and was seen as the city's golden boy. Though he has somewhat fallen from grace, his name still has a lot of pull in all the right places. Needless to say he doesn't get parking tickets.
Trustworthy - Negotiation (5BP)
Linguist (5 BP)
Negative Qualities (#BP):
Day Job - Income: 15000/month (15BP)
While he operates in the shadows as a fixer, Jared still maintains a lucrative legitimate law practice. As senior partner on Engles and Associates he may not see the inside of a courtroom too often, but he spends plenty of time in the office managing the substantial caseload his name has attracted.
Records on File - Horizon (10BP)
SINner - UCAS/Horizon (10BP)
Gabriel [Elf|Ex-Companyman|Bodyguard|Loyalty: 6|Connections: 4]
In a world of deceit and intrigue Jared has found himself truly blessed in finding Gabriel Sinclair as a companion. Trust is a rare commodity, and time and again Gabriel has proven he can be trusted implicitly, making him the rare gem in a dirty business. For his part, Jared makes sure that Gabriel wants for little that he cannot obtain, and returns the loyalty doggedly.
Jared serves as Chief of Security for
Engels and Associates, the consultancy of which Jared is senior partner, and as Jared's personal bodyguard. A former UCAS Marine and Cross Applied Technologies Seraphim, Gabriel is both a fierce combatant and a potent figure in the shadows. After Cross lost its seat on the Corporate Court, Jared hand-scouted Gabriel, and the move has proven to be his best investment to date. Gabriel provides personal protection as well as an extensive web of contacts with former Seraphim throughout various corporations and in the shadows.
Skytale [Human|Freelance Crypto-Analyst|Hacker|Loyalty: 4 Connections: 5]
Zach Gratowski (aka Skytale) runs a quiet spy-gear shop called Flemming's Grocery in Tacoma, which is how the former NSA Codebreaker passes the days of his early retirement away. By night he is a hacker of no small talet, using his former connections and a series of well placed back doors to ply his trade. Skytale is the one Jared relies upon to erase any indiscretions which may make their way to his record, and to keep the information any of his potential hires receive nice and stereotypically Mr. Johnson. In exchange, Jared uses his own connections to keep the eyes off the law away from Zach's side-game. Zach provides Jared both information security, and access to government and matrix connections.
Dinah Lane [Elf|Courtesan|Loyalty: 3|Connections: 2]
Dinah is an independent escort working out of Bellevue who counts Jared as a regular client. She is struck most by the fact that he solicits her for the actual advertised escort services rather than the more sought after of her skills. Dinah provides Jared with arm-candy for events where it is best not to be seen alone, and she has dirt on several corporate executives, though she is usually loathe to dish.
Cecil Hoades [Dwarf|Seattle City Council|Lawyer|Loyalty: 3|Contacts: 5]
Back when Jared still had some idealistic notions, and he was in good standing with the people, and they gave away free soup on the streets, Cecil was a young up and comer in the DA's office, while Jared was an ADA. The two were much closer prior to Jared's downfall in the public sector, but they maintain contact even now, and often steal away at fundraisers for imported cigars and talk of sports. Cecil provides Jared a window into civic politics he has been denied since his retirement.
Jack Marshall [Human|Lone Star Detective|Anachronistic|Loyalty: 3|Connections: 1]
Sometimes it pays to know a good cop, and though he is long past his prime, Jack is one of the best the city has to offer. He was on the beat during the Night of Rage, and he's seen everything you can throw at a cop and survived it. Together Jared and Jack used to prosecute and put away some of the worst scum the city has seen. While he may not have the connections he once did, Jared values Jack's council from time to time on the finer workings of the law over a pint.
Sally Wainright [Human|Lone Star Corporate Liaison Officer|Loyalty: 1|Connections: 3]
Sally is a recent acquaintance of Jared's, a woman in the know when it comes to issues of jurisdiction, and secretly an addict. While Jared does not like relying upon someone with such a problem, he keeps her in contact with the right people to feed her addiction, and in return she occasionally arranges a stall in getting Lone Star officers clearance to pass through a corporation's turf.
Gil Falcone [Human|LS Detective|Syndicate Ties|Loyalty: 1|Connections: 3]
Gil isn't the guy you see on a Lone Star recruiting ARO. He's not the shining beacon of justice, no, instead he is the bitter guy slogging his way through every day with a forced soy-caf stained smile. He never wanted to be a cop, but his Family thought it would be a good idea if one of their own took up the shield. Gil is an inside man for the Mafia in Lone Star, and Jared knows this. In exchange for keeping this nice and quiet, Gil provides the occasional bit of information on, or good word with, both his employers and his Family.
Topher Weiss [Human|FBI Field Agent|Loyalty: 1|Contacts: 2]
Jared and Topher don't have an exhaustive history, and Jared doesn't trust the young man as far as he can throw him, but he represents to Jared a potential wealth of inside information on the government's movements. In exchange for keeping occasional Federal heat off of Jared, Topher gets access to the same level of information about the goings on in Seattle's shadows.
Gaz [Troll|Street-Level Fixer|Loyalty: 2|Contacts: 1]
Gaz isn't the brightest fixer on the streets. He isn't even really a fixer, but a face for Jared's lower end dealings. Gaz gets to be happy thinking he is important, while Jared gets a layer of deniability, as well as a mask to wear from time to time.
Group Name
Horizon Human Resources Group [Members: 10|Matrix Resources: Broad|Magic: Minimal|Influence: Sprawl-Wide|Loyalty: 3|Connection: 10]
Though he has retired from the corporate side of 'asset management' Jared maintains contact with Horizon's HRG, the department responsible for handling the mega's disposable assets in Seattle. While the staff have largely rotated out since his leaving, he courts the current members as readily as the past, allowing him access to their collective pool of street contacts, and to a fresh corporate rumor-mill.
Seattle DA`s Office [Members: 10|Matrix Resources: Minimal|Magic: Nil|Influence: Sprawl-Wide|Loyalty: 2|Connection: 8]
Jared did`t leave his job as ADA on good terms; he resigned in the midst of allegations of case fixing and corruption which, wile false, left his former co-workers less than happy with him. This hasn't stopped him from keeping several key members of the organization, including several current ADAs in his Rolodex, or getting them invites to parties they otherwise wouldn`t even think to dream of. In exchange, he of course gets legal intelligence, and occasionally gets to tamper with evidence in a client`s case.
Lone Star Forensics Investigation Lab - Downtown Seattle [Members: 18|Matrix Resources: Minimal|Magic: Nil|Influence: District|Loyalty: 2|Connection: 6]
While forensics are the burden of every career criminal, forensics analysts can be some of your best friends. Jared is a regular donator of lab equipment to the much beleaguered lab, and rather than utilize the contacts he cultivates to tamper with evidence, he calls on them occasionally for independent analysis for his own ends.
The Burnside Dozen [Members: 12|Matrix Resources: Nil|Magic: Nil|Influence: District|Loyalty: 1|Connection: 3]
The Dozen are Jared's current pet gang. Next month it'll be someone entirely different. He maintains contact with at least one sprawl gang at any given time both for the street level intel, and to dispose of any problems he might have that require no delicacy. In exchange, the gangs get his money, and the hope he'll recruit them for a real job some day.
Dante's Inferno Staff [Members: 50|Matrix Resources: Minimal|Magic: Minimal|Influence: District|Loyalty: 3|Connection: 8]
Taking it one step further than just being a regular at Dante's, Jared takes time to know the staff, from the bouncers to the guy who maintains the AR systems and virtual links to the other Dante's worldwide. This allows him unprecidented access to not just the public, but the working areas of the club.
Virtual Contacts
ShadowSEA [Focused Forum|Members: 95ish|Matrix Resources: Broad|Influence: Sprawl-Wide|Loyalty: 3|Connection: 2d6/3]
Through Horizon Jared was tipped to the existence of ShadowSEA, and he has taken careful care not to make waves, or to be too friendly. He maintains a steady rep on the boards in order to allow himself distance.
Armor B/I
(3) Zoe Executive Suite w. Short Jacket 5/2
Implant Grade Rating Essence
Shiawase ExecutiveSuite Line Silverline Aplha - .76
Sigma II Headware Commlink - - -
ATC 3318 Pearl Image Link - - -
Datajack - - -
Attention CoProcessor - 3 -
Math SPU - - -
Sleep Regulator - - .15
Commlink: Sigma II w. Novatech Navi (Uprated)
Response Signal Firewall System
4 5 6 4
Programs: FTL Matrixware Power Suite, Eurosoft Clavicula
Gear: Sim Module
Lifestyle: Renton Condo (10,000/month; Covered by Day Job)
Comforts: High (4)
Entertainment: Luxury (6)
Necessities: High (4)
Neighborhood: High (4)
Security: Middle (3)
Qualities: No Privacy - Physical (1), Friendly Neighbors (1)
SIN (Legit)
Name: Jared Engels
Alias: None Known
DOB: 13 June 2031
Birthplace: Seattle, WA, UCAS
Citizenship: UCAS/Horizon
Occupation: Legal Consultant
Permits: Driver`s Permit
DocWagon: Platinum (Covered By Day Job)
Rover Model 2071
Glasses w. Vision Enhancement, Flare Compensation, Image Link
Jared is contact heavy, and gear light, but he's not worried. He lives more than comfortably, has steady income, and if things get dangerous, well he's got Gabriel. Any gear he feels he needs for a meet he purpose buys for that meet itself.
Snippet of play-style:
[ Spoiler ]
He was standing by his office window when the quiet pulse in his ear told him he had an incoming call. Turning his back on the view of the Barrens - his reminder to himself that every empire can crumble - he calls for the window to polarize and walks calmly to the wing-back chair tucked off in the corner, accepting the call with a thought.
Gabriel. Have the invitations been delivered? He sub-vocalizes fluidly, and retrieves a genuine leather bound book from the small table beside the chair, opening it to a familiar passage.
The guests have their invitations, and party arrangements have been made for this evening.
Without anything more, he cuts off the call. Gabriel knows what needs to be done to prepare for the meet. He slips on his reading glasses, letting the AR overlay onto the text of the book. He wasn't reading anyway, it was just a fiction maintained should anyone presume to enter his office uninvited. Calling up a proxy connection, and then another just to be safe, he slides into ShadowSEA to check the posting he had left two days prior. The meet which he had solicited for, to take place tonight in Everett, has been arranged with a group of runners, with details being hashed out in anything but truly private messages. He knows there is no privacy on the job bank forum, and in fact has counted on it. The five that are meeting tonight will be hired for a run, albeit a junk run. They will not, however, be meeting with him in the flesh. The Suit they will be meeting is a rather ugly, not so bright, Troll named Gaz. Gaz is his diffusion, his sleight of hand, his beard. While that meet is going on, Jared, resplendent in a freshly tailored Zoe suit, shall be sitting down for diner at Morton's with a small group of old friends who hand been hand delivered invites to the real meet. The run was delicate, which meant he needed to be hands on about setting it up, be he needed to distance his image from it should anything go wrong.
After all, it was a run with his former employer's assets in the crosshairs.
Upon closing the forum connection, and scrubbing his tracks as he had been instructed by Skytale - his pet hacker - Jared sets the book down and stands, crossing his office to the small bar set there. He rings up the Manager at Horizon's Human Resources Group while he pours himself several fingers of Bushmills, and wracks his mind for the name as he does so.
`Marty, it's Jared. Excellent, no, no I'm doing well. How's Jane?` He enters right into office banter mode, even while he retrieves a small electric-paper copy of the facility blueprints for the resort his team will be visiting in Snohomish a week from today. `Good, good. Look, did she get the flowers I sent? Perfect, now look I know you guys just had a quarterly review come in, and I'm sure it was stellar. I'd like to help you guys celebrate. I made some calls, pulled a few strings, and I got you all access to a private booth at Dante's with an open bar for next Friday. No, no need to thank me. Oh damn, I've got another call coming in. Yeah, I'll stop by. See you.`
No better way to ensure Horizon was slow to field assets to respond to his little operation than to have their handlers out getting drunk that night.
Twenty questions shall follow. Sorry for the delay.